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Tips and tricks for starting a blog for Christian women

Guide to Starting a Blog
for Christian Women

Helpful hints and Tips for your Blogging Journey of Inspiring Women, Children, Marriages, and Families


Hi there! I'm Angie, and I love sharing my faith with my readers! My life consists of being a pastor's wife, grammie, office administrator, pianist, artist, songwriter, blogger, and soon to be author! My 1st book is due to be released sometime this year. I publish a blog post every month when time allows. Subscribe, to receive my monthly newsletters.

My Advice: Pray and Seek God First

If you're thinking about starting a blog, I encourage you to pray and ask God about your idea first. Proverbs chapter 3 tells us, that we should not lean on our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our path.


If the Lord is for your idea of starting a blog, then He will provide you with knowledge, understanding, and grace to accomplish this goal.

Since starting my blog, I've been amazed to see how my drive for personal development and spiritual growth has resonated with so many women of faith. One of the things that I love most about sharing my faith through blog posts is the community that it creates. I've been able to connect with other Christian women from all over the world and it's been such a blessing to hear their stories and share in their journeys.

Contact My Sun & Shade Ministries with questions or advice here.

It can be intimidating to put yourself out there, "on the web," at first, but the rewards are truly worth it. Here are a few tips that I've learned along the way:

  • Start with prayer: Before you even begin to think about the technical aspects of starting a blog, take some time to pray and ask God if this is something that He's calling you to do. If it is, ask for His guidance and wisdom as you move forward. Creating a blog and maintaining a blog are two different things and take a good deal of time. Do you have time to devote to this? Will creating a blog take you away from other responsibilities?

  • Choose a niche: There are countless blogs out there, so it's important to find a niche that sets you apart. Think about what you're passionate about and what unique perspective you can bring to the table. My interests are very diverse but I had no time narrowing down what my niche would be because the Lord gave me clear direction. Such as starting a page for "Prayers for Marriages." Like mentioned before, seek the Lord FIRST before launching off into the world of blog writing and He will direct your path - as promised in Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."

  • Create a content plan: Once you've identified your niche, start brainstorming ideas for content. Make a list of topics that you're excited to write about and try to come up with a schedule for posting. I added this bit of advice because I thought it would be helpful to my readers, but, honestly I didn't do any brainstorming, I just started writing blog posts of topics the Lord put on my heart.

  • Invest in quality web design: Your blog's design is often the first impression that readers will have of your site, so it's worth investing in a professional-looking design. If you don't have a background in graphics design, consider hiring a freelance designer to help. Fortunately, I have worked in graphics for years and absolutely love creating digital art. This has been a wonderful asset to creating a welcoming blog.

  • Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to blogging. Set a schedule for posting and stick to it, even if it means sacrificing some free time. This is another one of those tips I added for my readers. Unfortunately, I am not consistent with my blog posts. My goal from the beginning was to post one blog post a month, and for the most part I have done so, but I haven't nailed down any specific day of the month I release the new blog post.

  • Engage with your readers: Your readers are the lifeblood of your blog, so it's important to engage with them as much as possible. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and create opportunities for dialogue. This is something I would like to do more, but for some reason, my readers are afraid of leaving comments or aren't compelled to do so. There are only a few blog posts with comments. Those who have emailed me with prayer requests, I've answered, and those who have emailed me "thanks," or have given me a thumb's up, I have answered heartily. But, I have yet to see a growing community of regular readers who leave comments on a regular basis. If you are one of those readers --feel free to leave me a comment!! It is SO much fun to hear from you!

I hope these tips are helpful as you embark on your blogging journey. Remember, if God is calling you to do something, He will equip you for the job!

More Inspirational Reading:

Read the backstory of My Sun & Shade!!

Read about the Founder: find out her interests, and hobbies.

Read more about this ministry to women, children, marriages, and families!

Start an inspirational blog for women of faith

If you want to enhance your relationship with the Lord and strengthen your faith in God, you have come to the right place. The Read-Pray-Sing Blog is an inspirational platform for Christian women that provides a distinctive and authentic outlook on being a victorious Christian woman in the present world. Whether you need motivation or support, this blog is the perfect destination for you.

Meet the Founder

Hey there, it's Angie! I'm absolutely thrilled about blogging, but my most significant role is being a dedicated wife to my amazing husband Aaron, whom I've been married to for 29 years! Besides my ministry work as a pastor's wife, I'm also an administrative assistant, a proud mom to two grown children (plus a son-in-law), and a beaming grandma to Levi and River! to know more about the founder? Keep reading!

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Inspirational Christian woman blogger
pray for adult son

Personalized Prayer Cards

Prayer Cards for Mothers and Grandmothers to Aid in Praying for Adult Children and Grandchildren.

To positively influence your adult child's life, consider using our 7 Anointed Prayer Cards. These cards are designed to guide your daily prayers for your grown children, covering aspects like their future, career, spouse, salvation, and everyday decisions. You can customize each card with your child's name and pray to the Lord daily for their unique needs. Incorporating this practice into your routine can lead to meaningful benefits.

Support My Sun & Shade 🤍

My Sun & Shade Ministries aims to inspire spiritual growth in women, children, marriages, and families through blog posts, prayers, books, and words of wisdom. We welcome your support through the link below.

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