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Inspirational website for Christian women's spiritual growth

My Sun & Shade

Spiritual Inspiration
for Spiritual Development and Personal Growth
in Women, Children, Marriages, 
and Families


Hi there! I'm Angie, and I love sharing my faith with my readers! My life consists of being a pastor's wife, grammie, office administrator, pianist, artist, songwriter, blogger, and soon to be author! My 1st book is due to be released sometime this year. I publish a blog post every month when time allows. Subscribe, to receive my monthly newsletters 🤍

Spiritual Support for Christian Women

Whether you are a single woman, young mother, wife, empty nester, grandma, or a widow, our inspirational website will benefit you in every season of life. Our goal is to bless, encourage, uplift, and strengthen you through God's Holy Spirit, in various formats throughout this website ministry.

First and foremost, is The Read-Pray-Sing Blog, where you can read emotionally-driven blog posts of faith put into action.

Secondly, is our Anointed Daily Prayers, where you can find peace for today, and guidance in prayer when praying for marriages, adult children, healing, protection, and wisdom.

Thirdly, are the original praise and worship songs you will have access to for spiritual blessing and enrichment. (Coming soon!)


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This website ministry was created to inspire you to develop a deeper understanding and connection with God so you can live a fulfilling life as a Christian woman. Would you like to ignite your passion to grow and mature into the best possible version of yourself?

Inspirational Reading

11 Tips to Become Your Best-Self

Look Good and Feel Great: Tips for Every Christian Woman

Elevate Your Thinking and Lift Your Spirit:3 Ways

Our daily prayers will help you overcome discouragement and depression and encourage you to put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Prayer is powerful! Start today with spirit-filled energy and develop a rewarding spiritual habit of praying every day. Begin today with Prayers to Start the Day.


Begin praying for your day right now and let some heavenly sunshine warm your heart!

We offer spiritual support by way of praying for your requests. Feel free to submit a prayer request and we will send a prayer through email correspondence.


Do not let discouragement settle into your spirit and never lose hope in prayer! God's word says to pray without ceasing and keep the faith. If you need some encouragement to keep hope alive, by all means, send me an email with your prayer request. 

The Read-Pray-Sing blog offers words of wisdom and spiritual insight to help you shine bright in every day circumstances. In these blog posts, I share my most vulnerable feelings and thoughts about disagreements, marital spats, forgiving co-workers, and personal insecurities. Using these life situations as examples, I am able to set the scene of  how the Holy Spirit gives me grace to overcome human weaknesses with dignity, bringing glory to the Lord.


Most women face the same issues in life, young or old, housewife or co-worker. Please know, that you are not alone! Join me on this journey of Christian living and learn along with me!

Grab a coffee or a cup of tea and visit The READ-PRAY-SING Blog then chose from over 40+ blog posts. Put your feet up, read awhile, pray, then sing and rejoice before the Lord as your heart is renewed with faith and joy.

My highest goal is to become my best-self in every season of life and bring glory to God with my talents, my ministry,  and in my personal life. If this message of spiritual development and personal growth resonates with you, then let's develop good habits together and become a light that inspires others to come to the Lord too!

Inspirational Reading

5 Ways to Refresh Your Spirit and Renew Your Mind

Coffee Brings Me Closer to Jesus

Practice Happiness: How to Smile Bigger and Brighter

going through seasons of life successfully

Meet the Founder

Hi there, I'm Angie! And my name means "Bringer of Glad Tidings!" The Lord has inspired me to "bring" uplifting and joyful blog posts to Christian women, and I'm super passionate about sharing my faith! You can derive this by my faith-filled heart spilling over into my monthly blog posts. 


If you are interested in keeping up with my journey of spiritual growth and personal development, then subscribe to this website! As a member, you will receive monthly newsletters, coupons, and will have access to all of the FEEBIES!


Read More About the Founder

Inspirational pastor's wife, Angie Viola, starts blog for Christian women, children, marriages, and families

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As a pastor's wife, ministry leader, grandma, and office administrator, I face a range of experiences in my Christian walk. Each month, I share my journey of joys, struggles, and victorious moments with all of my readers in The Read-Pray-Sing Blog

If you have a heart to know God's ways and a desire to develop a closer, deeper, walk with the Lord, I welcome you to join me on this Christian journey, as we seek to attain God's highest purposes for our lives.

Being a Christian isn't always easy. There are many people that do not want anything to do with God's ways, and treat us terribly because of it. We can remind ourselves with this portion of Scripture and find reassurance, "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me." (Matthew 5:10-12)

Inspirational Reading

10 Most Popular Blog Posts

Blog Podcast for Christian Women

Inspirational Quotes from Our Most Popular Blog Posts

It is such a joy to teach children about God and His ways, especially when you can provide an illustration for them to color. Children love to envision Bible stories through coloring pages.

My Sun & Shade Ministries has developed many Bible lessons and coloring pages for children ranging from preschool to older elementary ages.


We share our digital PDF Bible coloring page bundles in our online shop and on Etsy. You can visit our shop here, Scripture Art Co


Inspirational Reading:

Creative Christian Moms

Raising Christian Kids

Bible Coloring Pages for Kids

Explore Our Bible Digital Download Coloring Page Bundles

Are you still on the fence about joining our website ministry? Here are some benefits you'll enjoy as a member:

  • Access FREE downloads and print any coloring page, template, prayer prompt, or promo for your ministry needs.

  • Receive monthly notifications of when a new blog post is published, and feel free to submit your own for review.

  • Overcome depression and discouragement with spiritual support for growth and development.

  • Submit prayer requests and we will pray for you.

  • As a member, you're invited to follow my journey as I strive to fulfill God's highest purpose in my life.

  • Get notified when my first book becomes available.

  • Become an inspiration to others!

Change your life with inspiration from Lifestyle blogger

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Spiritual support for Christian women of God


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Inspiring Others

Promoting a Balanced Life: Inspiring Others at My Sun & Shade

If you're interested in becoming a source of inspiration for others, I encourage you to print my list of "10 Most Meaningful Ways To Inspire Others." This simple yet profound list contains words of wisdom to bless, encourage, and inspire others through your actions, words, and gracious behavior.

These soft skills are essential for making an impact on people's lives. If you're in a leadership position or involved in a teaching ministry, reviewing this list of meaningful ways to gently encourage and promote God's love in others' hearts may be worth your while.

I am grateful for the ways in which the Lord has opened my eyes to see the significance of being a "key" person in someone else's life, and this can start with a smile, a hug, or a word of encouragement. Pass it on!

To share my "10 Most Meaningful Ways to Inspire Others," simply become a member and receive the free PDF.

Related: Scripture Verses on "Loving Others"

God blesses those who bless other people with love

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