Who is a Woman of Faith?
The best answer to this question can be found in Provers 31:10-31. The Virtuous Woman described in this chapter is both inspirational and influential. She characterizes the ultimate woman of faith throughout history.
Apart from the fact that she was likely not a real person but an "ideal" set forth to us by the Holy Spirit, we can derive from the text, exactly what the Lord thinks of this woman.
The Lord thinks this woman is amazing! Just look at everything this Virtuous woman can do!
She can manage the house, the children, the meals, the servants, under grace and dignity, and she can run and operate her own business.
Not to mention, the simple fact that her husband LOVES her and considers her to be of more value than rubies. Wow.
Even her children rise up and call her blessed. I'm sure this included adult children as well.
And her husband is known in the gates, meaning, people have esteem for who he is because he has a lovely devoted wife taking care of things at home.
I believe this "ideal" woman was placed in Scripture to show every generation of women what we are capable of doing.
Are You Called to be a Woman of God?
When I was a young wife and mother, I would read over this portion of Scripture many times a day. My intent was to capture the essence of who this Virtuous Woman was and infuse my heart and spirit with her spunk and creativity.
The Virtuous Woman was my role model for many years and I set my heart to be just like her.
Through her example, my heart's desire was towards my home, my family, making meals, and creating a beautiful atmosphere where love could flourish.
I wanted to be pleasing to God in everything I said and did.
Bible Resources Help Faith to Grow
My press to be pleasing to God, led me on a path of seeking to become my best self. This desire brought grace into my heart to be a good mom and a faithful wife.
I sought self-help books, devotionals, and prayer books for added reading material to grow and mature as a woman of God.
My mornings were filled with Bible reading, and the babies naptimes were filled with devotions. The Lord moved within my spirit during these times and I felt new understanding of what pleases God.
Develop Habits Fit for a Women of Faith
As I changed my behavior and bad habits, I realized God was pouring new grace into my spirit. Suddenly I had new passion to watch my words, be more gentle, meal plan appropriately, clean the house on a regular basis, and walk with strength and honor.
Practice to Become a Woman of Faith
On this website ministry, I share my most treasured insights into becoming a woman of faith that pleases God.
This is my life's testimony. I am currently a pastor's wife, and this title came to me because, long ago, I chose to be influenced by this Virtuous Woman.
I quickly realized, the only way I could become a woman of faith was through discipline and hard work, and, wouldn't you know it, this is the main character trait of the Virtuous Woman. "Strength and honor are her clothing."
A strong woman of God does not balk at the time to come because she is fully prepared to meet any challenge. Her heart, soul, and mind is held steady because her anchor is in the Lord.
Further Resources for Spiritual Growth and Development in Women
11 Tips to Become Your Best Self
Strength and Honor are Her Clothing
The Calling of a Homemaker
Living a Victorious Life in Christ
The Little Lemon Plate
The Beauty of Grace
Rich in Blessings
A Simple Beautiful Life
25 Years Under the Same Umbrella
Rest to Be Your Best Self
Spiritual Growth and Development
15 Ways to Shine God's Light
Marriage and Family Insights
Daily Prayers for Women of Faith
Prayer Prompts for Women
Prayers for Marriage
Prayer for Today
Hi there! I'm Angie, and I started this website ministry to encourage and uplift the hearts of Christian women through prayer and spiritual truth applications. I love sharing my faith with all of you! Who am I? Well, I am a pastor's wife, grammie, office administrator, pianist, artist, songwriter, blogger, and soon to be author! I am a very enthusiastic person with lots of projects and ideas up my sleeve. My 1st book is due to be released sometime in 2025 - yay! Writing a book is a lot of work! I try to publish a blog post every month if my schedule allows. Subscribe, to receive my monthly newsletters 🤍 Follow my journey of living a Christian life, as I seek to be a blessing to my husband, my family, and to my church.
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The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace, (Numbers 6:24-26).

My Sun & Shade
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The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace, (Numbers 6:24-26).

My Sun & Shade

Angie has served in ministry with her husband for over 20 years. Read more about their life together, why this website was created, and what keeps them inspired.
Picture: Angie and her husband, Aaron celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on a cruise, February 2020. Read More about their adventure!
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Numbers 6:24-26