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Free bible print outs for children

Ministry to Children

Resources for Parents and Teachers

Teaching Children is a Joy

 I believe it's essential for us, as moms and teachers, to discuss God's ways with our kids whenever possible. I had the wonderful experience of homeschooling my children through 3rd and 4th grade, using a Christian kindergarten curriculum that helped them memorize Scripture and learn Bible stories, ultimately guiding them toward salvation.


Each homeschooling day was filled with prayer, Scripture memorization, and engaging Bible stories, along with learning their ABCs! Those five years of homeschooling were truly the best.


With over 25 years of experience teaching Sunday school to children of all ages, I find immense joy in creating new projects, crafts, and coloring pages that complement the Bible stories and truths I share. It's incredibly rewarding to see the excitement in kids as they color the pages I design! Now, I want to share these ideas with fellow Christian homeschooling moms and teachers. 


PDF Bible Related Download Resources for Inspiring Spiritual Growth in Children

ABC Bible Verse Coloring Pages

The Holy Trinity Coloring Page Packet

God Loves You Coloring Pages for Children

Obey Your Parents in the Lord Coloring Packet

The Lord's Prayer for Kids

Kindness Activity Craft Packet

Easy Fall Bible Verse Craft Activity

The Beatitudes Fill-in-the-Blank Worksheet and Quiz


Shop Angie's Coloring Books on Amazon

Being an Enthusiastic Teacher Makes all the Difference!

Teaching children is a true passion of mine, and I was fortunate to spend an entire school year teaching kindergarten at a local private Christian that needed a teacher. Although I lacked formal teaching credentials, my experience with homeschooling and Sunday school, combined with my enthusiasm, impressed the supervisor during my interview, leading to an immediate job offer. After our kindergarten graduation program at the end of the school year, the school surprised me with a bouquet of sunflowers—my favorite flower—which made me feel incredibly honored and blessed.

The Lord blessed me with a creative heart and each moment of the school day was packed with fun, exciting games, projects, and contests. We had so much fun together, and you can too!

Read more about the Founder HERE

Alphabet Bible Verses Christian Homeschool

Your Children Will LOVE These Delightful ABC Bible Verse Coloring Books Filled with 26+ Illustrated Alphabet Bible Passages 

Each Coloring Book Contains the Same Bible Verses

Support for Christian homeschooling moms and teachers

Inspire Spiritual Growth in Your Child's Heart with Our Printable Bible Resources

Our church began a Sunday school program in 2019, and we were in need of some inspiration for Bible lessons. My husband, who is the pastor, wanted me to kick off the program by teaching the kids about the Trinity. However, any online searches for relevant Bible lessons or coloring pages yielded no results --prompting me to create my own pages. Once I saw how much the children enjoyed coloring them, I listed them for sale on Etsy so other teachers could use them too. Thus, the idea for my PDF digital coloring page bundles were formed!

Since then, I have created many Bible lessons, crafts, projects and coloring pages for our Sunday School program, and I am thoroughly enjoying the process! 

Spiritual Support and Encouragement for Christian Mothers

Spiritual and personal development for women


Discover a collection of fun ideas that busy Christian moms can implement into some family fun.


Find encouragement and spiritual support with our Prayer Prompts for Busy Christian Moms. Print the list and keep it handy for your prayer times.


Find support in prayer with our Prayers for Mothers of Young Children, and receive grace and strength from the Lord. Let's pray together.

Bible resources for teachers and parents

Hi there! I'm Angie, and I started this website ministry to encourage and uplift the hearts of Christian women through prayer and spiritual truth applications. I love sharing my faith with all of you! Who am I? Well, I am a pastor's wife, grammie, office administrator, pianist, artist, songwriter, blogger, and soon to be author! I am a very enthusiastic person with lots of projects and ideas up my sleeve. My 1st book is due to be released sometime in 2025 - yay! Writing a book is a lot of work! I try to publish a blog post every month if my schedule allows. Subscribe, to receive my monthly newsletters 🤍 Follow my journey of living a Christian life, as I seek to be a blessing to my husband, my family, and to my church.

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