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Inspirational Prayers for Today: Protection and Wisdom

Bless Your Day with a Heavenly Prayer and Find Inspiration to Accomplish All Your Tasks

Discover a Beautiful Life Today

At My Sun & Shade Ministries, our mission is to encourage individuals to seek Jesus daily for guidance and direction. This wisdom from above can come through prayer or reading your Bible, and will result in you having a fulfilling life.


Pray today and every day. Offer sincere and heartfelt prayers, asking the Lord for wisdom and guidance in making the right decisions for your life.


We not only provide Prayers for Today, but Prayers for Healing, and comfort, Prayers for Protection, and Prayers for Adult Children to find their path to Christ.


Start your day with positivity and a fresh outlook by reading through our Prayers for Today. Begin the day with an open heart, read our anointed prayers, and ask God to bless you with success and heavenly blessings.


If you need any prayer support, please submit your prayer request and we will gladly assist you.

Submit a Prayer Request

Share your prayer requests with us and we will respond as soon as we can. 


Hi there! I'm Angie, and I love sharing my faith with my readers! My life consists of being a pastor's wife, grammie, office administrator, pianist, artist, songwriter, blogger, and soon to be author! My 1st book is due to be released sometime this year. I publish a blog post every month when time allows. Subscribe, to receive my monthly newsletters 🤍

1. A Prayer for Today: To Live a Life That Pleases God and Brings Him Glory

Father in Heaven,


Soften my heart and change me O Lord, I want to be pleasing in Your sight. May what I say and do be acceptable unto You. Give me the grace each day to offer unto You the sacrifices of righteousness. In the morning may I find time to devote to You; spend time with You and learn of You. When I take a break in the afternoon, may I be mindful of You and think upon Your ways; consider how I am behaving and praise You for setting me on a clear path of righteousness. And in the evening Lord when I think back upon my day, may my mouth be filled with praises and thanksgiving for how You have met me and blessed my day.


Lord I know that You see me and aware of everything I do, may I keep this in mind as I walk about my day and remember that every deed is getting recorded in the Book of Life. Thank You for putting this truth into my heart for it brings life to me whenever it is recalled.


As I set my feet down upon a path today, may You bless my steps and go before me and lead me all day long. Blessing my words, my thoughts, my projects and the ones I come in contact with. May your Holy Spirit brighten my countenance so that others are aware that I am a follower of You.


Thank You Jesus for drawing me unto You, for causing me to see how much You love me. Thank You for your Word which brings life, peace, wisdom and guidance. Continue to meet with me O Lord as I commit to spending more time with You. In your precious name, Amen.

2. A Prayer to Receive More of God's Spirit Today in Our Lives

Father in Heaven,


Thank You for this good day that You have blessed me with. May I walk according to wisdom. and may I recall Your ways throughout the day. May I draw strength from Your divine hand and not from my own strength which would be futile. Please bless me on this new day and prosper me according to your will. Cause me to rise above my problems; my hands to be productive;  my words to be kind and wise, and my heart to be compassionate to those in need. Give me of the fruit of my hands Lord and let my works be glorifying unto You.


Go before me at work, while I make dinner, when I listen to my families stories of their day and when I sit to rest in the evening. Let your spirit be within me as I walk in grace, for I do not want to miss one day abiding with you. My life on earth is short, like everyone else’s, and we do not know when our journey on earth is over. May I make the most of each day You give me. Help me Lord, for I want to leave a legacy of abiding with You behind for my children and grandchildren. Therefore I plant seeds in the spirit today that I may reap rewards in the future.


Oh, how I want to plant seeds of thankfulness and joyfulness within the hearts of my family! So throughout the day today I will recall your goodness to me Lord and remind myself that You are Father of all. Just like a natural father loves his child, You love me and want the very best for me.


Thank You Lord Jesus, be with me now as I start my day, Amen.


Personalized Prayer Cards

Prayer Cards for Mothers and Grandmothers to Support Prayers for Adult Children and Grandchildren.

To positively influence your adult child's life, consider using one of our 7 Anointed Prayer Card Sets. These prayer cards are designed to guide your daily prayers for your grown children, covering aspects like their future, career, spouse, salvation, and everyday decisions. You can customize each prayer card with your adult child's name and pray to the Lord daily for their unique needs. Incorporating this practice into your routine can lead to meaningful benefits for both you and your son or daughter.


2. A Prayer for Today: To Know and Follow God's Will For My Life


As your daughter, I am coming to You today. I need Your help to remain calm and peaceful in the midst of a crazy life. Please help me to control my attitude because I am so tired and there is so much to do.  Let Your strength clothe me as I look to You this day. Help me to embrace each difficulty and each turn of events that may come, with grace - allowing Your presence to flow from me.


Help me watch my words, especially to my loved ones. Please help me have patience with them, allowing kindness to be at the root of our interactions.

And Father, as I prepare myself for this new day, I ask that You would endow wisdom to me and allow me to have understanding of situations that may pop up and and try to steal our peace. Please let Your character reign in me at that time.


Allow Your love to fill me and this home as we prepare for our company, as we prepare for our trip tomorrow, and as we prepare for Mid-Week Prayer Service tonight. Lord, let our company feel your peace and presence in this home for You have written Your name here. May they be blessed and refreshed in our home.


Lord, allow your anointing to flow in tonight's service that we may feel uplifted and strengthened to hear Your word taught once again.


And Lord, I pray, that as I get ready for my doctor's appointment this morning, I ask that You would allow me to articulate my issues carefully and help the doctor have wisdom in directing the next course of action.

Father, I pray that You would help all of us go about our day at work with a thankful heart, fill us with happiness and contentment in our jobs, and please pour out grace to our adult children today as they are finishing their classes before the end of the semester. We give thanks to You this day on how You have helped them thus far, we are so proud of their accomplishments and we look forward to seeing them graduate this weekend.

Lord, go before us now, lead our way, watch over each step we take and may we come together in the evening feeling prepared but not overwhelmed, for Your grace is available, we need only to accept it.


I give You this day. In Your Precious Name, Amen.​

3. A Prayer for Today: To Walk in Love and Kindness with Everyone



My heart is stressed this morning as I come to You; I need Your peace to fill me and settle me. My time right now, I give to You. I've set this time aside to read Your word and to separate myself from the busyness of life. A lot is going on in our family and I'm being pulled in many directions. Therefore, I come to You and ask that You would lead me this day, that You would guide my steps, each choice I make, each thought I have, where I walk, and what I talk about.

Father please give me grace to respond correctly to those in my household who are under stress as well. Allowing my words to flow with grace and kindness. May I not jump to conclusions, but consider all sides of situations, and may I be ready to forgive when necessary.

"Your word is a lamp to our feet and a light unto our path". Therefore, I search Your word this morning for direction as I start this new day. Please light my way through Your spirit and confirm my steps as I look to You.

Meet, I pray, while all of us go our separate ways, descend with grace upon us, that we might be a light and a testimony of Your goodness inside our homes, at our jobs, and in the community abroad.

Help me to focus on others more than I focus on myself because that brings a blessing upon our lives. It promotes well-being, a happy heart, and health to our bones. 

Thank you for all that You have done in my life and in the lives of my loved ones. I know You are working for my good in every circumstance that comes my way, and I thank You. 

Please go before me now and lead my way, that I may have peace.

Bless You Lord Jesus, I love You.

In Your Precious Name, Amen.

4. A Prayer for Today: Divine Guidance and Direction

Heavenly Father,

Giving You all glory today, and counting it all joy to follow You, I come before Your heavenly throne now, to acknowledge You as the Great Shepherd of my life, for I know that only peace will come into my heart, as I settle myself , letting You take the lead.

There is nothing worth doing on this earth, if YOU haven't purposed it for my life. What safety there is in trusting You to lead me! Please help me to rest in this thought of letting YOU choose for me. My heart wants to do so many things today, and they are all good, but You want me to do ONLY the thing YOU purposed for me to do today.

Father, as I seek to do YOUR will for my life today, and look to You for the direction my steps should take, I pray that patience would have its perfect work in me. 

May I continue to "run my race", as I patiently wait for the fulfillment of desires to come. Trusting and knowing that You, my Great Shepherd see and know all things, and will lead me in the way I should go in Your perfect time.

I place my complete trust in You on this new day, this gift from God, and will patiently wait for You to move on my behalf.

With love, honor, and respect for the Precious name of Jesus, Amen.


5. Today's Prayer for God's Help During Difficult Times...

Father in Heaven,


We look to you on this new day as the Hope of our Salvation and Restorer of Peace. Comfort our hearts now and fill us with an everlasting peace as we go about our day. May we trust in Your goodness and tender care of us.


Help us to lay aside the things that trouble us and bring us down and help us remember to cast all our cares upon You, then trust You with the outcome.


Be an ever-present help for us today. May your presence be with us and guide what we say and do, so we may walk worthy of the holy calling You have called us to walk.


May we live a life that is pleasing to You in every way, bringing glory to Your name every day.


Lord, thank you for filling us with peace and renewing our hope. You give comfort to all who look to You.


Please direct our hearts as we walk in love towards those you place in our path, pleasing You in all we say and do.


In Your Precious Name, Amen.


6. Today's Prayer for Guidance in Decision Making and Clarity of Thought..

Father in Heaven,

We look to you on this new day as the Hope of our Salvation and Restorer of Peace. comfort our hearts now and fill us with an everlasting peace as we go about our day. May we trust in Your goodness and tender care of us.

Help us to lay aside the things that trouble us and bring us down and help us remember to cast all our cares upon You, then trust You with the outcome.

Be an ever-present help for us today. May your presence be with us and guide what we say and do, so we may walk worthy of the holy calling You have called us to walk.

May we live a life that is pleasing to You in every way, bringing glory to Your name every day.

Lord, thank You for filling us with peace and renewing our hope. You give comfort to all who look to You.

Please direct our hearts as we walk in love towards those You place in our path, pleasing You in all we say and do. In Your Precious Name, Amen.

7. Today's Prayer for Peace during Trying Times...

Father in Heaven,

Please settle me today and help me be at peace with what I am facing right now. Please help me be patient to wait for You to release me from this trial. I proclaim You as my Lord and Savior for You rescued me from the pit of hell and have promised me eternal life. I proclaim You Lord as my Shepherd who leads me beside still waters, who refreshes my soul and guides my feet in the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Yes, I have seen Your hand of goodness on my life in the past and I know You will see me through this hard time as well. May my eyes look to You for every need, as You guide and lead me into Your very best. May I remember that You do your best work in us during a fiery trial so help me not to jump out of my distress too early. Give me patience as I wait for You to move on my behalf, and help me to pray for others who are in the same distress. Keep me true Lord Jesus as I wait upon You.


I will put my trust in You and only You. I will not lean upon my own understanding or seek the advice of others through this time because I acknowledge You as the only one that holds the keys to life.


Lord, I commit this trial to You and place it in your hands knowing that You desire to work grace into my life though this situation. Your timing is perfect, therefore I will not try to escape my situation until it is clear You are moving me out of my trial. Through acceptance, I commit my life to You.


Please bless this day at hand and pour out grace to Your child I pray, in Your Precious Name, Amen.​​

8. A Prayer for the Lord's Blessings and Remembrance on this Day...

Heavenly Father,

"I know Your plans for me are meant for good and not to harm me, Your word says Your plans are to give me a hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). Your word says You want to prosper me, but I feel like You are harming me with the length of this trial; I feel hurt and forgotten this morning.


I'm getting overwhelmed again, this feeling of being overlooked and forgotten by You is flooding into my heart again.


Father, I ask that You would Help me to refocus my thoughts on You, and not on my trial. Strengthen my heart so I don't lose hope. I must trust that You are working on my behalf. As I pray to You about this situation, I must believe that we are working together on this, me doing my part in trusting and praying, and You doing Your part by working in other's hearts.

Lord, You align people, places and situations according to Your will to bring about Your purposes in all our lives. I believe in this firmly and must continue to trust and believe in You tho this trial tarries long, tho I don't understand, and tho I can not see any relief soon, I must believe.

You can do anything, nothing is too hard for You! 


Lord I know You are great, I know You are strong, we have heard what You have done for others and have seen You work in our past. You are mighty in power! You can do anything! Because I know this about You, I will trust You will move on my behalf in Your perfect timing.

Thank You for Your Word, Your life and Your testimony Lord Jesus, in Your Precious Name, Amen.​​​

9. A Prayer for Courage to Tackle Today's Obstacles with Grace...

Precious Father in Heaven,


I give You thanks on this new day. This is the day that You have made and I will rejoice in it. Lord, you see my heavy heart this morning and You are aware of my need. My complete trust is in You and that brings me rest. This morning as I read Your word I am being infused with strength and endurance to do what is good in spite of what is going on around me. Realizing that the most crucial time for me to let Your light shine forth is during a deep trial or prolonged illness. The life that I live now on this earth I live for You and my steps have been dedicated to You. Therefore I know that I am within the will of God because You have directed me thus far. Lord I know that I am not supposed to be surprised at this trial I find myself in;  for You have said that trials will come.


May I rejoice in the degree that I am partaking in the sufferings of Christ so that Your glory may be revealed in me. I am blessed on this new day for I glory in You and I entrust my life, my soul, my trials to You as my faithful Creator. May I do good to those that are causing me grief or causing my trial to increase and in doing so bringing an abundance of glory and praise to Your name. And Lord, may You be glorified in my life on this new day. I commit this trial, this grief, this pain to you and trust You will work in me as You deem necessary. Accomplishing all Your purposes in my heart, for that is what You are most concerned with. Please give grace as I face new challenges today and please develop in me the precious fruit of longsuffering. That I may be a joy unto You.

In Jesus name, Amen.

inspirational life

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I've recently published a coloring book that has been "in the works" for a Looooooong time, and I'm very excited to share it with you! The coloring book is filled with hand-drawn illustrations that are sure to capture your child's imagination!

Happy Birthday Kitty! Has 35 original drawings that are fun to color. Become one of the first people to purchase my book!

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