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3 Prayers
for Peace

1. Prayer to Be Still and Know that He is God...

Heavenly Father,


I come to You again today with hope that You will fill my heart with peace; that You will cause this panic and anxiety I feel right now to cease.


As I focus my thoughts on You, cause there to be a heavenly peace that descends upon me and stills my anxious heart, flooding my soul with Your peace.

My mind is scrambled and my to-do list is long - and there is only one of me! I am stretched very thin today and I need Your help, Lord, I need Your peace. That peace that transcends everything else going on in my life and causes me to be still inside. "The peace that passes all understanding" needs to reside in my being today.

Father in Heaven, I look to You for my help, because I know You will meet with me. You have blessed me before with Your faithfulness, goodness and peace and I know You will meet with me once again.

Nothing on earth compares with Your peace, and nothing on earth compares with Your presence. There is no where else I would rather be but in the palm of Your hand, covered in protection by Your love.

Lord, hear my prayer this morning, draw me close to You and leave Your peace with me.


As I focus on You during my busy day, let not my heart be troubled or afraid.

I commit to You my works, my to-do list and everything else going on in my mind and trust that You will meet with me as You see fit.

As I go about my morning and my day, establish my works, give me wisdom, still my heart with Your peace and let the fragrance of Your presence be upon me all day long.

I speak this prayer in Your Precious Name, Amen.

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2. Prayer for Help to Be Patient While Trusting in Jesus for Answers...

Heavenly Father,

Giving You all glory today, and counting it all joy to follow You, I come before Your heavenly throne now, to acknowledge You as the Great Shepherd of my life, for I know that only peace will come into my heart, as I settle myself, letting You take the lead.

There is nothing worth doing on this earth, if YOU haven't purposed it for my life. What safety there is in trusting You to lead me! Please help me to rest in this thought of letting YOU choose for me. My heart wants to do so many things today, and they are all good, but You want me to do ONLY the thing YOU purposed for me to do today.

Father, as I seek to do YOUR will for my life today, and look to You for the direction my steps should take, I pray that patience would have its perfect work in me. 

May I continue to "run my race", as I patiently wait for the fulfillment of desires to come. Trusting and knowing that You, my Great Shepherd see and know all things, and will lead me in the way I should go in His perfect time.

I place my complete trust in You on this new day, this gift from God, and will patiently wait for You to move on my behalf.

With love, honor, and respect for the Precious name of Jesus, Amen.

3. Prayer to be Used of God in Ministry, and Patience to Wait for God's Perfect Timing...


I need your peace to fill me right now. This may sound self-serving, but I feel very overlooked at times and that You don’t see me or notice my unfulfilled desires. When I notice You have given another person the very thing that I’ve been praying for and waiting with all my heart for, I start to feel weak and vulnerable inside. That is when the enemy comes in like a flood and destroys the peace within my very being. All grace and poise leave me and I lash out at my loved ones. This destroys the peace within my home and then my loved ones lash out at me. My reserve of strength and grace is depleted within seconds of finding out someone else received something I was longing for.

This shouldn't be Lord. I know it isn’t right. When will my heart accept that You have a different plan for each of us? I know You have an appointed time to answer each prayer. There should be happiness that comes over me when finding out someone was blessed or received kudos for their talents.

Father please help me this day to be patient and wait for You to move in my life and wait for You to release what You have given me. There is an appointed time of release. You have told us not to grow weary in well doing; to pray at all times; to rejoice always. This is the state You would like to find us, but often times we are bemoaning our station of life, or the lack of opportunity.

“All things work together for good to those that love God and are called according to your purposes.” As I hold this verse before me I give You praise. For You are good and faithful. This verse brings comfort to me, as it confirms that good things will come to those who love You and are patient in waiting for You. The reaper must wait for that which is sown to come to fruition. Lord allow your perfect work to be done in my heart as I learn to be patient and wait for You to move.

May I focus my heart on doing what is before me this day to the best of my ability. Crown my day with Your loving kindnesses that I may be a beacon of Light to others. Empower me with Your divine grace to accept my circumstances and embrace Your purposes for my life.

Thank You Father, Amen.

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