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pray for your pastor and your church

Spiritual Prayers for Your Church

Pray Blessings Over Your Church Family

Prayers for Your Church


1. Prayer to Work in the Hearts of Church Members...



Precious Jesus,


We thank You for our lovely church family and present our humble congregation to You and place it into Your hands. Father would You be at work within us causing us to grow in love towards You and one another. Help us to have a heart for one another causing us to reach out more. Let us carry one another's burdens in prayer and faithfully present them to You. Strengthen those that are pillars in the church and give them ability to function accordingly.  Bless the musicians as they minister in music and let Your anointing flow during our song services.


Father, above all, may Your presence be felt in our services and may Your Word be brought forth in truth. May hearts be touched and changed in our services because You have visited us and poured out Your anointing.


Work in the hearts of our congregation that we might grow into all that You would have for our little church.


We bless You, and thank you this day,


In Your precious name,






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2. Prayer for More of the Lord's Presence in Church Services...





There is a stirring in our hearts these days, for a new move of You. Come, and sweep through our services with Your Spirit and reveal Your Holy presence to Your Saints.


Light a fire within our hearts for more of You. Work deep within each one of us and prepare us for the new move that You want to bring to our church and to our services.


Father, would you put a spark within the hearts of those who aren't lifting their voices up to You during praise & worship; cause there to be something that springs up within them and they have to sing!


Lord, You have called Your people to bless Your name. To make a joyful noise! To give thanks to You! We are Your people, and the sheep of Your pasture. We are to enter into Your courts with praise and be thankful before You.


Oh Lord, please move within our praise & worship. Let there be an outflow of thankfulness and rejoicing before Your presence! With no one holding back.


Release Your anointing and let Your spirit flow and be at work within us.


Holy Spirit come, move in our hearts, move in our song services, that our hearts may become soft before You and then we will  be conditioned to receive Your Word when preached.


You are good, and Your mercy is everlasting and Your truth endures to all generations.


We sense a stirring in the Spirit. We believe that there is something new on the horizon. You are moving within our community and our social circle of friends and family. This is evident by the number of visitors we have been receiving.


Father, continue this, we pray. Encourage the pastor's heart, give him fresh revelation for the church and wisdom from heaven in directing and leading Your flock.


Oh, our hearts recognize the moving of the Lord. May we be ready when You chose to move in a greater way.


To God be the Glory,







3. Prayer for the Lord to Become our Strong Tower of Refuge...



Today O Lord, do I lift up my voice to You and ask You to meet with all of our dear loved ones that would be joining us for normal services on this Palm Sunday. We can't meet in person, but we trust, that as we pray, as we seek Your face, we will be united in Spirit.


Touch their hearts, quicken them with songs of praise, reach their spirits today and draw them closer to Your presence.


At this time Lord, may You not only be our Savior, but be our Strong Tower of Safety, our Refuge and our Deliverer.


Send peace to those who may be fearful during this quarantine from COVID-19, and build up their faith as they seek You.


Now is the time our faith is tested, may we be secure in our belief in You as our Lord. May we also prepare ourselves, for the time is coming when others will want to know the reason of our hope and peace.


Keep all of our dear loved ones safe Lord. We put our complete trust in You, knowing You hold all things in Your hands.


In Your Precious Name,








4. Prayer for More Church Members with Like Vision and Purpose...



Father in Heaven,


Our heart's desire is to follow You and walk in all of Your ways. We have seen Your glory in the church and in our lives and can testify, that You are God above all gods!


There is a time for everything, and we ask for growth to come to our church, in the spiritual and in the natural.


As we seek Your face and walk in Your ways, we ask that Your spirit would move among us; in our hearts and in our services.


Cause there to be an increase of love for the word of God, for Biblical teaching, and for knowledge and understanding of Scripture.


Cause the hearts of all our members to desire a deeper walk with You.


Bring more people who love Your truth through the doors of our church building and to the altar.


Bring our community to repentance and let Your Spirit move throughout our land.


It is time for our church to move towards this increase, so we trust You will bring along the people You have appointed to be apart of our church family.


Please hear our prayer as we continue to bring this before Your heavenly throne.


In Your Precious Name,






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