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Raising Young Children Can Be Challenging

Moms who pray for grace find strength in their faith as they navigate the challenges of raising children. They seek guidance and patience, trusting that their prayers will help them embrace each moment with love and understanding. In their journey, they inspire others to find solace and support through prayer.

Let's Pray

Read and pray the following prayers for your adult children and then put your trust in the Lord.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer."

Romans 12:12


1. A Mom Prays for Grace to be a Good Mother...

Father in Heaven,

With everything in me, I want to be a good mom.


Lord Jesus, I come to you right now asking that You would allow the softness of your presence to produce a gentle spirit within me, helping me to watch what I say and how I behave to my children. They are my life, and mean the world to me. You have given me the gift of being their mother and I thank You. 

Thank You for their little lives, and their innocent hearts. Help me to nurture Your love in them, and foster a reverence of Your ways in their hearts.

Pour out Your divine grace to enable me to be a good mamma today. Help me watch the words I speak, the way I act, and how I interact with them, let it all be done with the law of kindness.

In Your Precious Name, Amen.

2. A Mom Prays That She May Have Godly Influence on Her Children...

Heavenly Father, 

You have given mothers charge over little ones at home, and this is a great responsibility. Mother's have great influence on their children's life. May we reflect Your love and teaching everyday, influencing our children in uprightness.

A Christian mother's heart desires her children to know God in the fullest way possible, and for them to commit to His ways all their days.

Your word tells us that if we teach our children the way they should go, when they are older they will not depart from it. May we, as mothers, commit to do just that. Commit to teach our children the godly way they should go.

Father, as we come to You now, we ask You to fill us with grace and wisdom to be excellent godly mothers. One that instills in her children the upright way they should go, so when they are older, they will recall our teaching, and not loose sight of it. 

May we take time to sit with them, read Your word to them, pray with them, and for them. Help us to understand Your ways more, so that we can relate to this generation.

Then, may our children follow You all the days of their lives. May they walk before You with a pure conscience, and upright behavior. May they seek to do Your will.

Father, we have seen the way of the ungodly, and we don't want this for our children. Preserve them, keep them, and put a contrite heart within them.

You are worthy of all praise, honor and glory, and we thank You for placing this burden within our hearts. We want the very best for our children. We know You are a faithful God that hears our prayers, and You answer us according to Your will.

Bless You Father.


Please help us be excellent mothers, bringing glory to You.

In Your Precious Name, Amen.

3. A Mom Prays for Wisdom to Train Her Children in God's Ways...


In a day when people disregard Your precious word, may You raise up a people who will be a light and testimony of Your ways. Give wisdom to young mom's who have little ones at home. May they seek You for wisdom and insight on training their children in Your ways.

You are a faithful God, and we know You are able to give discernment to young mothers who seek You for answers. Lead them according to Your ways, may they receive the fullest blessing of parenthood.

Cause them to desire Scriptural teaching on raising children, and follow examples of successful families. Bring them along under Your tender, watchful eye.

Impart heavenly wisdom unto young mothers who seek You. Then lead them onto life, peace and joy in raising their children.

May they regard You in all they do and may they be careful to set a good example of godly character before their eyes, for children watch their mommy's every move.

Help them make excellent choices throughout their day, and help them show love to the little ones in every way.

In Your Precious Name, Amen.


Introducing Prayer Prompts for Women of Faith and New Christians

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Christian women prayers for peace, relationships, healing, guidance, strength
Teachers using Christian resources to teach children at church

Whether you are a parent, grandparent, or a Christian Sunday School teacher, it is our God-given responsibility to train and teach the children under our care about God and his ways.

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