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Pray for my marriage

Pray for a Strong and Loving Marriage


Hi there! I'm Angie, and I started this website ministry in 2019 with the aim of enriching the hearts of women with the love of Christ. I love sharing my faith by way of blog posts, prayers, songs, and Christian lifestyle tips, with the hope of inspiring women to become a better version of themselves. Would you like to be someone that inspires others? And blesses their families with love and kindness? Would you like to pray more for your loved ones? Would you like to be more forgiving? Rise above life's challenges with grace? Use your gifts to further God's kingdom? This website features a collection of motivational blog posts and articles that addresses various aspects of Christian living, such as the fundamentals of marriage, raising godly children, praying for adult children, and modeling The Virtuous Woman. ​Discover inspiring narratives centered on spiritual development and personal growth, such as the basics of love and forgiveness, along with practical guidance on becoming the best version of yourself through Christ who gives us strength. Visit About the Founder and read about my life and my interests. Explore My Sun & Shade Ministries and discover more about this ministry. ollow my faith journey and grow along with me! My 1st book is due to be released sometime in spring/summer 2025, and I'm pretty excited about it. ​Subscribe for updates!

Pray for Your Marriage


1. Prayer for Renewed Love in Your Marriage Relationship



Dear Heavenly Father,


I am grateful for my marriage today, especially for my spouse who loves and serves You with their whole heart. I pray that Your divine purposes would be fulfilled in us and through us as we let You work in our hearts every day. May we draw closer to You and to one another, with chords of love that bind our hearts together. May we become a strong team, ready and willing to serve You.


Help us to be our very best at all times, letting love cover our offenses and transgressions. May we be mindful of each other's needs and always be ready to offer a loving touch or give a kind word. Help us to respect the God-given positions of husband and wife, and guide and direct us in wisdom as we care for each other. 


Meet with both of us today as we go about our day, watch over us, and bless us with Your goodness.


Thank You so much for hearing this prayer.





Related Blog Post Articles:


11 Tips for a Happy Marriage


25 Years Under the Same Umbrella - Blog Post


Embrace the Cold - Blog Post




2. Pray for Renewed Respect and Honor for Your Union



Heavenly Father,


You are good, You are loving, and You are kind, and You never change. Knowing this about You, as I seek Your face, brings comfort to my heart. Father, my heart is heavy with our marriage and I'm coming to You now to receive hope that things will get better. Help me to know what to do. Lead me in the way I should go. Speak to my heart Your perfect plan of restoration. As I learn to put You first in my life, and Your righteousness, I pray that Your spirit will be imparted to me, and please fill me with grace to be kind, gentle, and loving to my spouse.


Help me to approach my marriage with respect and honor for our union, for You brought us together. Give me a heart for my spouse, and help me to understand their needs, that I might be a blessing to them. For I know, when I bless my spouse, I am blessing Your heart as well and bringing glory to Your name.


Please pour out Your grace to me today and teach me Your loving ways.


In Your Precious Name,





Beneficial Reading:


Prayer Prompts for Wives


Read-Pray-Sing Blog - For Spiritual Growth and Personal Development




3. A Prayer to Unite the Hearts of Husband and Wife



Heavenly Father,


My heart comes to You, seeking Your wisdom and ways. I know that only You can bind broken hearts and heal deep wounds. No counselor on earth can speak directly into our marriage like You can. For Your ways are higher than our ways, and Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.


Please speak to me from above as I seek Your face today. Speak to my spouse, and point us in the path we should take, the words we should say, and the choices we should make together. Above all, we want to do what is right. Keep us, O Lord, protect our relationship from evil influences. Unite us, O Lord, I pray. Bring us together through Your love.


Please help me understand my spouse and why they do the things they do. My heart's desire is to be complete in my marriage and be united in purpose with my spouse. But, I get so upset with them sometimes. Through Your Holy Spirit, and Your Holy Word, help me to know how I should act, and what I should say. Give me a heavenly perspective of my spouse. I know You love them, too. Reveal to my heart ways I can be more understanding of my spouse, and express kindness and compassion in a way that causes love to flourish and healing to flow.


Lord, unite our hearts to fear Your name and walk in Your ways all the days of our marriage, that we may live a full and happy life together. Bless our union today, and above all, may we honor You in all we say and do.


In Your Precious Name,






Submit a Prayer Request

Share your prayer requests with us and we will respond as soon as we can. 

Pray Daily for Your Husband's Personal Growth and Spiritual Development

Each day is a new opportunity to bring your husband before the throne of God. Ask the Lord to bless your husband with wisdom to lead his family, understanding to handle the finances, gentleness to show love, and strength to be a great man of God.


I have been happily married for 30 years, and share some insight for married people here  11 Tips for a Happy Marriage.



Related Reading

11 Helpful Tips for Couples Going on a Cruise

14 Ideas for Bringing the Family Together

Prayer Prompts for Wives


prayer for my husband

"Devote yourselves to prayer. Be alert, and thankful when you pray."

Colossians 4:2

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