Pray for the Safety and Protection of Children at School or at Play...
Father in Heaven,
Thank you for the pleasure and joy of having children, and thank you for giving us the privilege of caring for them. May You be always near them, watching over them, keeping them free of harm's way.
Your Word tells us not to be anxious, so I will put my trust in You, asking You to be mindful of the children today, whether they are at school or at play. Watch over them with Your careful eyes, and cover them with the wings of Your protection.
In Your Precious Name, Amen.
Spiritual Growth in Children
Build your child's faith in God with simple Bible lessons and coloring pages that emphasize Bible memorization and praying to their Heavenly Father
Coloring Pages & Worksheets on The Lord's Prayer
Digital Bible Lessons for Homeschool or Church
Alphabet Coloring Pages with Scripture Memory Verses
A Prayer to Watch Over Children As They Sleep...
Heavenly Father,
As my little children are resting in their beds, I pray that You will be close by them, keeping them safe throughout the night, filling them with peace, and surrounding them with Your heavenly light.
Speak to them in their dreams about the purposes You have planned for them and draw them unto You and Your ways while they are young.
When they awake in the morning, may they feel Your presence with them, and may they choose to walk as children of light all the days of their life.
In Your Precious Name, Amen.​​