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How to pray for my adult son

Pray for Your Adult Son and Renew Your Hope

prayer for my grown son

The Powerful Prayers of a Mother's Love for Her Grown Son

The special bond between a mother and her son lasts a lifetime. This unique "mom-love" is a gift from God and can encourage powerful prayers that inspire grown children to achieve their fullest potential and blessings in life.


Mothers can experience a renewed sense of peace and a lightening of burdens when they learn to entrust their grown children's care to the Lord.


Mothers, take comfort in knowing that God hears all of our prayers and loves our grown children even more than we do.

Let's Pray for Your Grown Son Together

Read and pray the following prayers for your adult son and then put your hope and trust in the Lord.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer."

Romans 12:12

1. Prayer for Your Grown Son to Find Direction in Life and Have Purpose...


Father in Heaven,


My son is making decisions that will affect the rest of his life and I pray Your spirit will protect him from making grave mistakes. 


Please prompt him to read Your word so he may have the light of Your presence to guide his steps. Take hold of his hand, leading and guiding him into all truth.


May each choice that he makes be establishing him in Your purposes. Bless him on this day. May he turn to You in his hour of need. Help him and strengthen his faith.


In Your Precious Name, Amen.




2. Prayer for Your Adult Son to Find a Girlfriend, Mate, Spouse, Wife and Settle Down...



Heavenly Father,


Your plans and purposes for my son are better than we could ever think or imagine. In Your wisdom and love, You placed desires in a man’s heart for a wife, and Your word says that it is not good for a man to be alone.


Please give peace to my son’s heart and help him be patient as he waits for Your timing. Go before each of them this day and work in their hearts so when they do meet, there will be no doubt that You brought them together.


In Your Precious Name, Amen.




3. Prayer for the Lord to Watch Over Your Son With Tender Loving Care...



Father in Heaven,


My heart is grieved over my son’s actions, and I am very burdened with his life choices. There seems to be nothing I can do, and my hands are tied. I’ve tried everything, even giving him money and a place to live. Now he is in Your hands, and I entrust Him into Your hands.


Please watch over him, I beg of You, please protect him from harming himself. Allow him to feel Your everlasting love and let him know You are near him. Give him strength of character to do what is right. Put him on a good path again.


In Your Precious Name, Amen.

Submit a Prayer Request

Share your prayer requests for your adult son with us and we will respond as soon as we can. 

More Spiritual Support in Prayer

Spiritual support for moms praying for adult children


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Display Scripture Prayer Pillows to Help You Remember to Pray

Grown Son Prayer Card Sets: Personalize with Your Adult Son's Name

Prayer card sets for adult children and grandchildren

Personalized Prayer Cards

Anointed Prayer Card Sets Help Mothers and Grandmothers Pray for their Adult Children and Grandchildren

Do you want to have a positive impact on your adult child's life? Consider using our 7 Anointed Prayer Cards to help you pray for your grown kids daily.  Pray for their future, career, spouse, their salvation, and for their daily decision-making process. You can personalize each card with your grown son or daughter's name, and specifically pray to the Lord each day for each need, and faithfully make this practice a part of your daily routine.

Spiritual support for mothers praying for adult sons


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