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Pray for Your Adult Children and Release God's Power Into Their Life

Never Give Up Praying for Your Adult Son or Daughter

Are you wondering if praying for your adult children is still necessary? Absolutely! Seek the Lord's guidance and pray diligently. Don't lose hope or give up. I pray for my grown children every day, hoping they'll fulfill God's purpose for their lives. Now, I also pray for my grandchildren with the same fervor. Remember what Luke 18:1 says, "Pray and never give up!"

never give up praying to the Lord for his peace

Hi there! I'm Angie, and I love sharing my faith with my readers! My life consists of being a pastor's wife, grammie, office administrator, pianist, artist, songwriter, blogger, and soon to be author! My 1st book is due to be released sometime this year. I publish a blog post every month when time allows. Subscribe, to receive my monthly newsletters 🤍

praying for adult children, family members, future hope and job, better friends, living co

Praying for Your Adult Child is a Parent's Duty 

As a parent or guardian, our children are always on our minds and in our hearts, day and night. Lately, I've found myself waking up from a deep sleep only to realize that I've been interceding for my grown children. We all want to see our children lead fulfilling and satisfying lives, don't we? We want them to have the best jobs, the best friends, and the most loving relationships. This responsibility weighs on us and urges our hearts to pray.

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prayers for adult children cards

Submit a Prayer Request

Share your prayer requests with us and we will respond as soon as we can. 

A Mom's Heart Breaks When Her Grown Children are Distant

How Can We Impact Our Adult Children Through Prayer?

It can be incredibly painful when our adult children refuse to listen to our wisdom and guidance. But fear not, as a loving mother, you can still make a difference in their lives through prayer. Pray that their hearts will be softened towards you, that their ears will be open to your words, and that God's spirit will guide them. Remember that the Lord, who formed them in your womb, knows them better than anyone else, and can help you pray specific and effective prayers for them. With the power of prayer, you can make a positive impact on your children's lives, even when they push you away.

when mom's heart hurts over her wayward adult children, God is near

Let's Pray Together

Read and pray the following prayers for your adult children and then put your hope and trust in the Lord.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer."

Romans 12:12

1. A Prayer for Divine Guidance and Direction in Your Adult Child's Life...

Prayers for Adult Children

Father in Heaven,
Remember me O Lord, and hear my prayer today. I come to You as your humble servant needing relief from the heaviness I bear for my adult child. The burden a parent carries for their children is great even when they are adults. Please be mindful of them today and touch them with Your presence. Draw them closer to You and cause them to see Your goodness. Establish them in Your ways that they may follow You all the days of their life.
Give my adult child a soft heart that they may hear when You speak to them. Direct their steps that they may not sin, and birth in their spirit a desire to bring glory to You through the way they live.
May they come into all You would have for their life by living uprightly and following Your ways. May they find mates that have dedicated their lives to serve You and together may they go on to do great things in Your name.
Lead my adult child today in righteousness and reveal Your presence to them.
Thank You for their life, thank You for their health and thank You for bringing them into my life and allowing me to be their mother.
I commit my adult child to You now. Please watch over them today and keep them safe from harm.
In Your Precious Name, Amen.


2. A Prayer for Your Adult Children's Job Search and Career Opportunities...

Dear Lord,

My heart is open to You and I feel the tug on my spirit to lift up my adult child's employment to You right now. Please help them find the best fitting job according to their abilities and talents.

Allow their employment to propel them into Your purpose for their future.

Direct my adult child's steps to meet people that would connect them to the employment of Your choice.

May they recognize Your hand on their life and trust You to bring along the best fitting job for them in Your perfect time.

Bring opportunities through their degree of study, and according to their interests, and cause them to come into Your fullest purpose.

In Your Precious Name,  Amen.

3. A Prayer for Your Grown Child's Salvation and Spiritual Journey...

Heavenly Father,

You lead and guide our lives as we commit them to you, and we want to lift our adult child up to you now and place them into Your loving hands. 

You know exactly what is needed in their life to bring them to heir knees. Lord, we pray that there would be an acknowledgment of Your truth, and it would bring conviction. Cause them to turn to You in their desperation and not become bitter. 


Allow them to feel your presence drawing them closer to You. Keep them as the apple of Your eye and keep Your hand upon them. In your mercy guide them into truth and help them acknowledge your ways.

In your precious name, Amen.

4. A Prayer for Your Adult Child to Discover Their Future Partner, Helpmeet, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, and Spouse...

Dear Lord,

I love You and look to You for wisdom on how to guide my adult child into all the purposes You have for them. May the Holy Spirit direct their thoughts and their steps so they align with truth and righteousness. Continue to give them a love for Your ways, Your Word, and Your holiness.

Assure them of Your watchful eyes in all they do, and carefully attend to their prayers. Bring along their future mate in Your perfect time, and may they be established with Your blessing.

I ask this all in Your precious name, Amen.

5. A Prayer for Your Adult Child to Discover their Life's Purpose and Fulfill God's Calling...

Father in Heaven,

You know the end from the beginning and You know exactly how my adult child will respond to You in any given situation. I pray their spirit would be open to Your leading every day and they will discern what is right and wrong.

As You lead and guide them daily, I trust You will prepare them to fulfill what You have purposed for them to do in this lifetime.

May my adult child respond in willingness to answer the call You have on their lives with great diligence and zeal.

Place upon their heart the desire to walk in Your ways all the days of their life.

We commit their future to You, and trust You will accomplish what cocerns them in Your perfect time.

In Your Precious Name, Amen.

6. A Prayer for Your Adult Children to Seek Forgiveness, Good Deeds, and Rediscover Faith in God...


Heavenly Father,

I beseech You this day for my adult child and the tendency they have for doing things that go against Your ways. My prayer is that You will keep them, and watch over them, and not lose sight of their whereabouts. May my prayer heard before Your throne as I seek Your face.

Lord, would You draw them back to You? Father, would you convince them Your ways are right and they bring life, peace and joy?

Let those things they have learned in Sunday school, and in church, not be wasted. But cause them to resurface in their heart so they will come back to you with fervency.

Continue to teach me how to pray for my adult child! As I seek You, draw close to me so I can feel You near. Give peace to my hurting heart and comfort me in my distress.

I commit my adult  child to You now and trust You will work in their heart.

In Your Precious Name, Amen.

7. A Prayer for Your Grown Child's Well-Being: Improved Friendships, Life Choices, and Future...


Heavenly Father,

My adult child is associating with people I don't necessarily approve of, and it is making my heart heavy with concern. You are fully aware of their comings and goings, so You understand why I am coming to you now.

Lord, please protect my adult child from the influence of ungodly friends and cause my adult child to know right from wrong. Do not lose sight of my adult child Lord! Please surround them with Your loving care and help them to find good, godly friends that will encourage them to do Your will.

Cause my adult child to be concerned about being exposed to bad influence and give them a desire for excellent friends.

I commit my adult child to You, knowing You are a good and faithful God, who hears the prayers of the upright of heart.

In Your Precious Name, Amen.

pray for adult child

Personalized Prayer Cards

Prayer Cards for Mothers and Grandmothers to Aid in Praying for Adult Children and Grandchildren.

If you want to make a positive impact on your adult child's life, try our 7 Anointed Prayer Cards. These cards can help you pray for your grown kids daily, including their future, career, spouse, salvation, and daily decision-making process. You can personalize each card with your child's name and pray to the Lord each day for their specific needs. Make this practice a part of your daily routine to see the benefits.

Personalized Prayer Card Sets

Introducing Prayer Prompts for Women of Faith and New Christians

If you're a busy Christian woman seeking spiritual guidance and prayer, My & Shade Ministries can help. We've created prayer prompts to help you find inner peace and happiness during stressful times. Download and print the prompts to use during daily devotions or while on-the-go. Let them serve as an anchor of hope during even the busiest days.

Christian women prayers for peace, relationships, healing, guidance, strength

Remember to Pray with These Prayer Pillows

How can I pray for my grown daughter


Thanks for submitting!

I've recently published a coloring book that has been "in the works" for a Looooooong time, and I'm very excited to share it with you! The coloring book is filled with hand-drawn illustrations that are sure to capture your child's imagination!

Happy Birthday Kitty! Has 35 original drawings that are fun to color. Become one of the first people to purchase my book!

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