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3 Daily Practices: Set Your Christian Heart on Fire for God

Writer's picture: Angie ViolaAngie Viola

Updated: Jun 23, 2024

3 Steps towards spiritual growth and setting your heart on fire for God

Hello, and welcome to the Read-Pray-Sing Blog! I'm so glad you joined me in this discussion on incorporating 3 spiritual disciplines into your daily routine to set your heart on fire to for God in new and amazing ways.

Inside this Blog Post:

An Early Morning Sunrise Sparks a Heart of Prayer

If I get up early in the morning, and sit in just the right spot on the couch, I can catch a glimpse of the sunrise between the houses across the street.

Early morning sunrise across the street creates stunning picture
My view of the sunrise across the street.

When this happens, my heart softens so much!

Watching the sunlight break through the darkness turns my thoughts to the Lord and His many blessings.

It is such a great way to start the day, and it always prepares my heart to read my Bible and spend time in prayer.

The other morning, I was able to witness this bright pink sunrise burst forth and it set my heart on fire towards a path of prayer and meditation all morning long.

I continued in this state as I drove to work, and found myself praying out loud in the car.

A Divine Prayer

Praying is something I enjoy doing whenever I'm driving alone . I think it is because my mind is free from distractions and I can concentrate on being specific with my prayers.

The prayer on my heart that morning was for "unity of heart" within our church members.

We are blessed to have many members in our church with diverse backgrounds, colorful personalities, and character traits that enrich our lives greatly.

But the more I pray, the more I realize, we need to be united in "one heart, one vision, and be one body in Christ," in order to experience the full sense of the Lord's presence.

Then this thought came to me:

"If every one of our church members were meeting with the Lord on a daily basis, we would be overflowing with the spirit of the Lord in our personal lives and church services!"

"Our hearts would be set on fire and united in purpose!"

And If ALL Christians everywhere were taking time to read their Bible, pray, and praise the Lord everyday, there would be revival in our land!

Set your heart on fire for God with steps towards spiritual growth

Make Spiritual Growth Your Focus

Being a disciplined person is difficult, so I understand Christians when they say, "I just don't have time in the morning to read my Bible."

They probably don't have the time in the morning, but, what about at night? They have to carve out time in their schedule to do what is important.

I am a very busy person, but making time to read my Bible every day is a MUST-DO activity. It is a spiritual discipline I cannot afford to let fall to the wayside, and it just so happens, mornings work better for me.

After 40+ years of being a Christian, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there are so many spiritual riches, wise words of wisdom, and life-sustaining grace I would be giving up if I should ignore the practice of reading God's word daily.

3 Daily Practices For All Christians

This blog post is dedicated to reminding ourselves of 3 spiritual disciplines every Christian should be doing each day if we call ourselves a Christian.

Review this short list with a worshipful heart, and consider the benefits of peace, grace, wisdom, and love which could be gained in our personal life from doing these 3 practices.

And, let's not forget the glory and honor we would be bestowing upon God the Father, if we give him some of our precious time.

May He reveal His glory in our personal life and in our churches!

Reading your bible is an excellent way to develop spiritual growth

Set Your Heart on Fire for God

1. Read Your Bible.

This goes without saying, but if we aren't reading and studying our Bible, than how do we expect to live the life of a Christian?

Our Bible, is literally the instruction manual for a Christian's life.

For one thing, hiding God's word in our heart is a sure way to guard our hearts against sin, and we do this by reading and memorizing Scripture.

Psalm 119:11

Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.

The book of Proverbs shares basic instructions for anyone desiring to live a godly life. How to deal with people, how to stay away from the wrong crowd, disciplining your children, fearing the Lord, and obeying God's word are all topics found within this book in the Bible.

When we read the contents of these words in the Scripture, we can't help but gather insights for everyday situations we find ourselves in.

Christians showcase this godly wisdom they've gained through their behavior and conduct with others, as well as matters concerning business and finance.

Plus, Scripture tells us, the Lord promises to be our guide in all our endeavors, if we acknowledge Him in all we say and do.

Proverbs 3:6

In all our ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths.

I don't know about you, but this world is dark! And getting darker by the minute! And, there is NO WAY I'm going out into the community or the workplace without feeding upon the word of God - first thing in the morning.

When I am filled with God's words, the Holy Spirit will guide me in the right path all day long. Helping me make good decisions, helping me watch what I say, and directing my thoughts in righteousness.

Just imagine what could happen if every Christian did this same thing?

The light of God's word would illuminate and transcend households, families, workplaces, and churches!

Psalm 119:105

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

When we acknowledge God and read His word in the mornings, it will act as a lamp unto our feet and a light along life's path in a very dark world.

His word will not only direct our steps, but our thoughts as well, protecting us from making wrong decisions, and being with the wrong people.

Oh Lord, set my heart on fire! Birth in me the desire to faithfully read your word! So I can be an excellent example of what you called us to be: Disciples and teachers of your holy word.

Recap on #1: Reading our Bibles is a MUST-DO discipline for any Christian.

Related Blog Post: My Daily Bread

Why Christians need to spend time in prayer every day

2. Spend Time in Prayer.

I had the opportunity to visit an ill person in the hospital recently, and before I left their room, I asked if I could pray with them.

When the bedridden person reached their hand out to me, I started to pray, and immediately felt the sweet presence of angels all around me.

The room was filled with a heavenly presence and I didn't want to stop praying for fear of losing the sense of angelic beings.

Peace has filled my heart in a new way ever since.

It was apparent the Lord was allowing me to experience this special moment for a deeper understanding of what happens "behind the scenes" when someone prays.

I later shared this realization with my husband, "If people understood the power behind praying and the many heavenly bodies present when we direct our prayers to the Lord, we would be more fervent and devoted in our prayer times."

I thank the Lord for this spiritual awareness that came to me that day. Now, I'm even more determined to spend time in prayer!

Just imagine what it would be like if every Christian spent time in prayer?!

With the knowledge that they were praying before heavenly beings who were taking note of their every word?

Our hearts and communities would be transformed!

The peace of God would be evident in our hearts and in all we do.

Oh Lord, light a fire in my heart! And in the heart of anyone reading this blog post!

May we be those that carry this desire to pray into our homes and churches!

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

James 5:6 (KJV)

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Recap on #2: Do not forget the power of prayer!

Related Blog Post: The Best Advice Ever

Why singing is so beneficial to a Christian's spiritual development

3. Sing to the Lord

There is nothing that opens up one's heart more than singing praises to God.

In fact, there are 170 verses in the Bible about praising the Lord! Which makes me think it is an important exercise for Christians to do!

My thinking is this, something amazing must happen within our spirit when we praise the Lord, or else the word of God wouldn't mention it 170 times!

I remember when we first bought our home we are now living in, and I had come down with a bad case of laryngitis.

It broke my heart that I couldn't vocalize my thanks to the Lord out loud for our beautiful home. We had waited so long for it, and I so badly wanted to praise Him in each room of the house.

While walking into what would later become my daughter's room, tears went down my face, and the Lord spoke to me this verse:

1 Corinthians 14:15

What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also.

I thought the Lord was so sweet to remind me of this verse I had read earlier that week.

Immediately, I started to praise him with my mind and my spirit, then, I rejoiced before the Lord.

Now, I make this a practice.

Not only do I praise the Lord by lifting up my voice and singing to Him out loud when I can, but I also praise Him in my heart while sitting quietly at my work desk, or waiting in a line at a store. I've realized, it doesn't always have to be an audible praise I lift up to the Lord.

All through out the day, it can be a sweet, quiet, heart of praise we lift up to Him.

The important step --is to praise the Lord with all our heart.

The Lord puts great emphasis on lifting up one's voice and praising Him, so there must be something about this activity that is beneficial to the giver and the receiver.

But, when there are times you can't speak aloud --let's remember to praise Him with our spirit and our mind!

When a Christian praises the Lord, they are saying within their heart, "Thank you for Your goodness! I will trust in You!"

Recap on #3: Worship and praise the Lord all day long.

Related Blog Post to Point #3: A Good Habit: Rejoicing in the Lord

Live a Life that Brings Glory to God

So, spread the news, start the fire, and fan the flame of becoming "one heart, one mind, and one body in Christ" all across the world!

Keep these 3 spiritual disciplines before you everyday and enjoy a life of peace and happiness and set your heart on living a life that brings glory to God.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.

Psalm 28:7

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.

My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.


Let's Pray Together

Father in Heaven,

My prayer is for the people reading this blog post. Maybe they feel drawn to Your presence but have not been able to carve out time in their schedule to meet with You like they would like too. Would You grant unto them creative ways they can reschedule their day or night so Your word could enter into their spirit and they could be refreshed? Give them ingenious ideas on how to reorder their steps, and then help them to use their extra time wisely, so they can glorify You in all they do.

Lord, please set a fire deep within our hearts that does not go dim at any unfortunate circumstance we might face. Help us to stay faithful in our pursuit of heavenly things. Bless us with Your peace and joy as we set our goals on reading Your word, praying more fervently, and praising Your name.

In Your precious name, Amen.



The Founder of

My Sun & Shade Ministries

© My Sun & Shade Ministries



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Hi there! I'm Angie, and I started this website ministry in 2019 with the aim of enriching the hearts of women with the love of Christ. I love sharing my faith by way of blog posts, prayers, songs, and Christian lifestyle tips, with the hope of inspiring women to become a better version of themselves.


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