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Recognize God's Handiwork In Everyday Miracles That Build Faith

Writer's picture: Angie ViolaAngie Viola

Updated: Aug 17, 2024

Christian women have faith in God when they believe in Him

Without the hope and thrill of a possible miracle happening throughout our day, life could get mundane and even boring!

Like, the times when dinner turns out good, or when the car keys are where they are supposed to be, and when fresh brewed coffee is made by someone else other than yourself.

Then there is the sudden appearance of a missing sock, or when we are on time for work, or we find a dollar bill lying on the sidewalk -- or better yet, a twenty dollar bill!

These everyday miracles help us have some "relief" in our busy days and actually cause us to thank God more!

My latest "everyday miracle" was beyond belief.

I literally could not believe what I was looking at.

Keep reading to find out what happened.

Date-Night With Hubby

I had just spent a very rushed hour in the Salvation Army because my husband was waiting for me in his truck.

We were on a date-night and he let me run into the thrift store before we made our way to the shopping mall.

The bummer was, I had the jitters.

Before our date-night started, we spent a couple of hours visiting with friends, where I eagerly sipped 4 cups of their delicious tea.

I know, 4 cups, right?!

The tea had come directly from England on our friend's last trip, and they served it to us in fancy teacups with cream and sugar. I couldn't pass it up!

So, there I was, in the checkout line at Salvation Army with the jitters, trying to evaluate my good finds and whether or not I needed them.

Can you relate?

"Do I really need this skirt? Do I need this piece of pottery? Can I flip this for more online? Is this item half-off?"

My mind was every which way at the counter and the memory of that moment is a blur.

All I remember is my shaking hand holding my credit card, then handing it over to a lady with way too much black eye makeup on, and she asked me to sign something.

Out the door I went to my husband's waiting truck, which soon sped away towards the shopping mall.

Shopping with Hubby

We were anxious to get our shopping done at the mall so we could go out to eat later.

We went directly to Macy's, because I had set my mind on getting some new make-up.

There, at the Clinique counter, I realized I could not produce my credit card.

By this time, my head was spinning out of control from having way too much caffeine coursing through my body.

My eyes were blurry and I couldn't see the items in my purse clearly.

After practically dumping the contents of my purse out onto the counter, I turned to my husband and said, "Call the Salvation Army right now!"

He looked at me like I was nuts, "What are you talking about?"

I must've looked like a mad woman, because he had no confidence in what I was saying, let alone the way I was acting.

Thank goodness I could still find my Macy's credit card.

I made my makeup purchase then ran to the nearest bench to call the Salvation Army.

They were closed! No one was answering!

I rushed my husband out of the shopping mall and we drove back to the thrift store in hopes of finding my lost credit card in the parking lot or something.

The Panic with Hubby

Whew! The lights were still on inside the Salvation Army and there were 2 cars parked outside. So, I pounded on the front doors.

After about 3 minutes a bewildered lady unlocked the door and asked, "Can I help you?"

"I believe I left my bank credit card on the counter earlier. Can I check?"

She felt bad for me, so she let me in. I must've looked panicked.

Suddenly, the lady with too much black eye makeup showed up and began looking for my credit card too.

But to no avail. It was nowhere to be found.

My husband asked me to look in every nook and cranny of my purse, in my jean pockets, in my coat pockets, and in my thrift store shopping bags.

Nope. Gone.

But I didn't feel like it was lost.

Searching Again with Hubby

The first step was to call the bank hotline.

I spoke to a kind female who suggested I place a hold on the credit card since I felt like it was still in my possession, I just couldn't find it.

For the next several days, we searched for that missing credit card.

My husband went through the truck again.

I went through my purse again.

It was gone. I was sick with what this meant for me.

Have you ever lost a credit card? Or a bank debit card? It disrupts so many accounts online and stops all automatic payments.

The process to update all these accounts is SO frustrating!!

I kept telling my husband, "I feel like the card is still in my possession somewhere, I just don't know where it is."

He had a hard time believing this because we had looked EVERYWHERE.

An Everyday Miracle Occurs

Then, one afternoon, a few days later, while I was sitting at my desk at work, I opened up my purse to look at my notary card.

And there it was.

The missing credit card was sitting between my notary card and my insurance card.

As I was holding it in my hand, my eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing!

It was like a miracle!!

This was God's handiwork!

I praised and thanked the Lord!

So much relief washed over me.

Then I was amazed.

The credit card WAS in my possession the whole time.

Faith-Building Miracles

The Lord had given me a gut-feeling that the card was still in my possession, I just couldn't see it.

I believed this gut-feeling, but didn't know how to act on it.

I just hoped the Lord would help me find my credit card somehow.

Isn't faith like that?

Sometimes we get discouraged and feel low about life.

Faith seems out of reach somehow, like it is lost.

But faith is resting right below the surface, unseen, just waiting to be retrieved and put into action.

Once faith arises in our hearts, we are emboldened to do God's purposes.

Faith is a precious gift from God and we never want to disregard its part in our spiritual walk.

Is your faith hidden below the surface?

Never be ashamed of your hope in the Lord.

Have you lost your faith?

Ask the Lord to restore that which has been lost.

Recognize God's Handiwork

Several mini "miracles" happened during the search for my credit card.

  1. The lady who unlocked the closed doors at the Salvation Army didn't have too, but she did.

  2. The kind rep I spoke with on the bank hotline didn't have to suggest I place a "hold" on my card, but she did. (I didn't even know there was a difference between placing a "hold" and "cancelling" a debit card. But it saved me a WORLD of trouble.)

  3. I was able to use my credit card immediately. If I had cancelled my credit card, there would've been a 10 day wait period for a new one to get mailed to me.

The Lord Directs the Affairs of Our Life

Looking back on everything that transpired, I believe that the Lord was orchestrating all these little miracles to build my faith!

Just like he wants to build faith in your heart!

He desires that we put all of our TRUST in Him. In EVERY circumstance.

Sometimes we question things that happen during our day but think of it as the Lord directing the affairs of our life so our hearts will turn towards Him.

My husband was amazed when I informed him that I had located my misplaced credit card!

It was actually in my purse, of all places!

Despite having searched through that purse numerous times, a sudden realization allowed me to spot the missing debit card!

It was a wonderful miracle!

Faith Keeps Our Hope Alive

I believe the Lord's spirit lead me to believe the credit card was still in my possession somewhere.

Even though everything pointed to hope being lost, my heart said, "you still have it." Believing in everyday miracles builds our faith 🤍 Plus, it keeps our hope alive!

Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart - and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

2 Corinthians 5:7

Walk by faith and not by sight.

Mark 11:22

Have faith in God, Mark 11:22.

Romans 8:28

All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.




The Founder

of My Sun & Shade Ministries

© My Sun & Shade Ministries



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Oct 24, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you. It is Oct 2024 and your message spoke to me today.

Angie Viola
Angie Viola
Dec 18, 2024
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Wonderful! Praise the Lord. Many blessings to you!


Hi there! I'm Angie, and I started this website ministry in 2019 with the aim of enriching the hearts of women with the love of Christ. I love sharing my faith by way of blog posts, prayers, songs, and Christian lifestyle tips, with the hope of inspiring women to become a better version of themselves.


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This website features a collection of motivational blog posts and articles that addresses various aspects of Christian living, such as the fundamentals of marriageraising godly children, praying for adult children, and modeling The Virtuous Woman.

Discover inspiring narratives centered on spiritual development and personal growth, such as the basics of love and forgiveness, along with practical guidance on becoming the best version of yourself through Christ who gives us strength.

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