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Writer's pictureAngie Viola

Our Daily Bread: The Power of a Fresh Word From Heaven

autumn weather stirs the emotions with new guidance from heaven

The autumn weather never fails to evoke my emotions, and this fall is no exception.

Last month, during my daily routine, I came across something that profoundly affected me, instilling a sense of confidence and empowering me to overcome the mental obstacles I was dealing with.

I felt certain that the Holy Spirit guided me to read this specific passage on that very day.

It was instilled in my heart by the power of the Holy Spirit.

In an instant, my life transformed.

As I reflected on this invigorating message, I realized the strength it provided me.

It was a source of life.

Like many individuals, I experience anxiety when asked to speak publicly, but this "renewed word" empowered me to conquer my fears.

Whenever I was invited to speak at meetings, I drew upon this fresh revelation from the Lord, gaining the grace necessary to express myself clearly.

I started to view my existence on this earth through the eyes of the Lord, and I became aware of both my insignificance as a human and my significance at the same time.

This new revelation somehow offered me a wider perspective on my role in the surrounding world.

Suddenly, I felt a surge of confidence.

all Scripture is breathed out by God

The Holy Spirit chose to infuse my heart with renewed life and passion through just one "fresh word" from above.

Every challenge I encountered felt manageable, as I could rise above it by simply recalling this "fresh word."

However, a few days later, I woke up as usual and tried to apply this "fresh word" to a new challenge at work, but the empowering boost was no longer present.

It had diminished significantly.

By the following day, the strength I had gained from this "life-giving word" had completely faded away.

My initial reaction was, "Lord, have you stopped loving me?"

Why did you take away this hidden strength at a time when I was experiencing personal growth?

He gently reminded me of the lessons I had previously learned: we must seek a FRESH WORD from heaven.

I could no longer thrive on the power of that past revelation.

The Lord desires to provide us with new spiritual nourishment each day.

This beautiful truth is exemplified in the story of the Children of Israel.

As they wandered in the desert for an extended period, they began to lament the delicious foods they had left behind in Egypt.

Even though they had been delivered from bondage, they longed to return.

They pleaded with Moses and the Lord for some delicious food, similar to what they had in Egypt.

In response, the Lord agreed to provide them with manna each morning.

The Children of Israel were instructed to collect this manna every morning, with the exception of Sunday.

If they stored the manna for the next day, it would spoil. (The only exception was when they gathered extra on Saturday to have for Sunday.)

Each morning, they were to gather their manna, which would be sufficient to sustain them for the entire day.

Then, the next morning, they would repeat the process.

I am the bread of life

Another important aspect of this "fresh word" is highlighted in The Lord's Prayer found in Matthew Chapter nine.

"Give us this day our daily bread."

Essentially, Jesus is to be everything we need.

In John 6:35, Jesus says, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."

We cannot spiritually survive without Jesus in our life.

And Jesus is the Word of God made flesh.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

John 1:14 KJV

We recognize that Jesus embodies the Bread of Life and is the Word made flesh.

This implies that "our daily bread" refers to the written Word of God.

Just as our bodies require physical nourishment, our spirits need spiritual sustenance.

the word was made flesh and dwelt among us

We cannot survive physically without food or water, and similarly, we cannot thrive spiritually without Jesus—our Daily Bread.

A "fresh word" from heaven signifies receiving a new revelation from God—something previously undisclosed.

We can obtain this "fresh word" from the Lord at any time.

Most of the divine strength and inspiration I receive from a new revelation predominantly comes from the written Word of God.

We can trust that the written Word of God becomes alive and active when the Holy Spirit quickens the Word in the life of a believer.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

2 Timothy 3:16

The Lord desires to assist us in achieving His purposes for our lives.

Make it a priority to read your Bible, taking the time to carefully reflect on each verse.

Invite the Lord to touch your heart with the messages you encounter.

the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword

Pray for His favor upon you.

Prioritize seeking the kingdom of God, and patiently await that "fresh word" from the Lord.

Then, embrace the spiritual blessings that are bestowed upon every believer in Christ.

Many Blessings ~



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Hi there! I'm Angie, and I love sharing my faith with my readers! My life consists of being a pastor's wife, grammie, office administrator, pianist, artist, songwriter, blogger, and soon to be author! My 1st book is due to be released sometime this year. I publish a blog post every month when time allows. Subscribe, to receive my monthly newsletters 🤍

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