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Accepting Who You Are in Christ: The Journey To Self-Compassion and Self-Love

Christian women find acceptance in Christ's love

Accepting Yourself For Who You Are

Embracing your uniqueness is a powerful act of self-love and self-acceptance.

It involves recognizing and celebrating the qualities that make you different from others.

Your uniqueness is what sets you apart from the crowd.

When you embrace your uniqueness, you are embracing your strengths, weaknesses, quirks, and everything that makes you who you are.

The act of self-hate is the opposite and prevents you from shining your light to its upmost potential.

Self-hate begins when you embrace negative words or thoughts about who you are as an individual.

These are deceptive lies from the Father of Lies and can effect you greatly.

These harmful lies can cripple your productivity, stunt your self esteem, and effect your mark on the world.

Ultimately, it will hinder your life from being used of God.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

God created you perfect in every way.

He knew you in your mother's womb and was a part of your creation.

Proverbs 139 tells us so.

If its been a while since you have read this chapter in the Bible, then refresh yourself with the amazing fact that God created you in a wonderful, and beautiful way.

You are one of a kind.

There is no one else like you.

It is unwise for you to compare yourself to other people.

No one else can think like you or speak like you.

Because you are a one-of-a-kind individual.

And God has a unique purpose for you.

Realize Your Impact on Other People's Lives

Have you every watched "It's a Wonderful Life?"

It is an old Christmas movie that was filmed in 1946.

The movie is about a man named George, who wishes he was never born and tries to commit suicide.

But, his guardian angel prevents him from jumping off of a bridge.

The angel is sent to make George's wishes come true.

Then George realizes how many lives he has changed and impacted.

And how those lives would be different if he was never born.

Accept the Ups and Downs of Life

George's story is a reminder of the struggles many people face in silence.

Learning to accept that everything can't be controlled is a step toward personal growth and maturity.

Avoid the downward spiral towards negativity at all costs.

Show compassion to yourself during the ups and downs.

Practice a heart of gratitude when life shifts things out of course.

Never let yourself give into self-pity.

If you are a Christian, you should know Proverbs 3:5-6 by memory and rehearse it whenever there is a threat to your balance of mind.

Commit this to memory if you haven't already:

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths"

You Will See Your Impact One Day

George had the awesome gift to see how he had impacted others in his lifetime.

The movie depicted George with a unique personality and character traits that propelled him to help people.

You have a unique personality.

You have special character traits that people appreciate.

Unless your guardian angel takes you back in time, you may never know about the lives you have already touched.

Start right now. Begin to think about how you can be a blessing to someone else.

When you embrace who you are in Christ, and accept yourself the way God created you, you can help others see their value as well.

By showing them they are worth your time.

The Lord is recording all of the events of your life and He is taking note of everything you do.

This should make you feel cherished and loved.

Have Hope for Your Future

God has a future and purpose for you.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

He created you with a purpose.

Don't lose sight of that.

God created you with intention from the very beginning and continues to watch over you as you go about your day.

He wants to help you fulfill your purpose in life.

Psalm 139 tells us God formed you and fashioned you according to wisdom.

Do you think this God who formed you with such care would forsake you?

Or call you meaningless?

He is everywhere, all the time, and always aware of you.

The Lord Thinks Good Thoughts About You

The Lord thinks such good thoughts about you all of the time.

More than you could ever know.

Psalm 139:17 NIV

How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!

Put Your Hope in God

One reason you may go down a dark path in your thinking is because you are human.

Humans have weaknesses.

Even King David was found to be in despair in Psalm 43, but he cried out, "Hope in God!"

Psalm 43:5 KJV

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

In Psalm 43:3, David cries out, "Send out your light and your truth and let them lead me!"

God Does All Things Good

Do you believe that God created everything in the earth and sky, and said, "It was good?"

Isaiah 45:12 NET

I made the earth, I created the people who live in it. It was ME - my hands stretched out the sky, I give orders to all the heavenly lights.

Isaiah 44:24 NET

I am the Lord, who made everything.

When you believe God created the earth and the people in it, then you are making a difference in people's lives already.

Your believing spirit is leaving a beautiful impression on others, whether they say so or not.

Your life is interwoven with so many people.

You cannot even begin to comprehend the impact your life has had on others.

Accept Who You Are in Christ

Sometimes, the lies you tell yourself will become big in your mind.

This may because you are looking for outward confirmation of our worth.

But God's word says, to "HOPE" in Him. Not "HOPE in others."

"Hope in God!" King David cried. "Why so downcast Oh My Soul? Hope in God!"

People fail us and disappoint us all the time, but God's love never fails, and never disappoints.

Always find your worth through God's eyes, not other people.

Psalm 139:14 KJV

I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: wonderful are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Find your worth in the Lord, and you will find your peace with God.

George's guardian angel continued to show him many meaningful events throughout his life until finally he was filled with gratitude and wanted to live.

The movie ends with George hugging his wife around the Christmas tree and showing love to his children with many friends and family members who had come to wish him a Merry Christmas.

See Your Worth Through God's Eyes

Know that God loves you, created you, and has plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.

Let your light shine by way of believing in God and let his love guide you into good things.

For He fashioned you according to His good pleasure!


Let's Pray Together

Father in Heaven,

How precious are Your thoughts towards me, they are more than can be numbered! May I remember the good mercies and kindnesses You have shown me throughout my days! Please forgive me for thinking such horrible thoughts about myself. I am Your creation, and Your workmanship. Please continue to do a good work in my heart as I seek to please You in my conduct and behavior, and also in my thought life.

Let Your light and truth guide me all my days so I may find Your favor. Thank you for this dream that reminded me of Your watchful eye on my life. May anyone who reads this blog post be touched and blessed by Your spirit.

In Your precious name,



Blessings ~


The Founder

of My Sun & Shade Ministries

© My Sun & Shade Ministries

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평점 추가
2023년 1월 18일

Very good to read and remind ourselves how much the Lord loves us, and that it was He that lovingly made us, for His purposes. And to be reminded of the impact we have on others. Oh that we are having a Godly and positive impact on others, to the Lord's honor and glory!

Angie Viola
Angie Viola
4월 19일
답글 상대:

To God be the glory, great things He has done in and through us!! Thanks for your comment Becky!


Cathy Sharp
Cathy Sharp
2023년 1월 14일

Such encouragement at such a time as this. We ALL need this encouragement. And if someone hasn't told you recently, dear Angie, YOU MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE!!! We love you and appreciate you and your family. Keep on keeping on. And to anyone reading this comment, YOU matter to God and to others. HE loves you! Thank you Angie. This needs to be shouted from the mountain tops so that many others can hear the message of hope!!! I am going to share with others. And wish your posts were in SPANISH!!! Love ya.


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Hi there! I'm Angie, and I love sharing my faith with my readers! My life consists of being a pastor's wife, grammie, office administrator, pianist, artist, songwriter, blogger, and soon to be author! My 1st book is due to be released sometime this year. I publish a blog post every month when time allows. Subscribe, to receive my monthly newsletters 🤍

hand drawn illustrations

I've recently published a coloring book that has been "in the works" for a Looooooong time, and I'm very excited to share it with you! The coloring book is filled with hand-drawn illustrations that are sure to capture your child's imagination!

Happy Birthday Kitty! Has 35 original drawings that are fun to color. Become one of the first people to purchase my book!

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