How Do You Receive Fresh Revelation From God?
This blog post is my personal experience of receiving a revelation from God.
I am not a theologian, but I have believed in God my whole life.
What I have discovered, is one must have a strong relationship with God in order to receive revelation from Him. This is a matter of fact.
It is similar to having a relationship with anyone. The more you spend time with someone, the more you get to know that person.
I've believed in God my whole life. I have even written a book about it.
In this book, I share my awareness of God as a young girl and how he directed my steps through revelations of who he was, and what I should do.
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I've learned, that God can reveal what we should do, where we should go, and what we should say in any given moment.
And God can use whatever He deems necessary to speak to us.
In This Blog Post:
My Personal Experience
An amazing thing happened to me while I was reading an article online.
The Holy Spirit quickened a spiritual truth to my heart while I was looking at a picture. and it became a fresh revelation.
This simple picture was of the planet earth from a distance away. That's it. And I can't even remember which website I found it on.
I've seen similar pictures of the earth, the solar system, and outer space since grade school.
So, why was this picture so special?
The picture was a divine appointment with God to receive a fresh revelation from heaven.
The spiritual truth I received into my spirit moved me and guided me through the next few weeks of my life.
God will use any method He deems necessary to reach us!

A Fresh Revelation From God Renews the Heart
At that moment, the impact of viewing earth from outer space suddenly made me aware of my significance upon this earth and my insignificance.
The universe seemed so large in comparison to my little feelings.
I felt like the view of earth from space allowed me to see things from the Lord's perspective, and I sensed an awe of His Sovereign reign over all of creation.
It renewed my heart. My faith, and my walk with the Lord.
This fresh awareness offered me a renewed outlook of my God-given role and purpose while on this earth, and now, nothing could stand in my way of fulfilling it.
A Fresh Revelation From God Revives Courage and Confidence
Through the Spirit of the Lord this new revelation diminished the effects of humankind upon my soul and I felt the undeniable sense of "who cares what men think," all that matters is what God thinks.
It empowered me with a new wave of faith and courage.
During this divine appointment with God, the Holy Spirit chose to infuse my heart with a renewed passion and confidence through this one picture of God's creation.
After that, every challenge I encountered felt manageable, as I would rise above any insecurities or doubts simply by recalling and reminding myself of this picture that testified of God's sovereign rule over creation.
It felt like I was unscathed by what others thought of me. "It doesn't matter," I thought. All that matters is what God thinks of me.
This new found energy and life enabled me to speak in meetings effortlessly.
I found that my flow of communication wasn't hindered by my worry of what others thought.
I felt free of fears that held me back from doing so much.

Is it Possible to Lose The Impact of a Revelation?
However, a few weeks later, this hidden power of self-assurance and strong faith had diminished significantly.
And I started to feel the powerful effects of this epiphany of God's sovereign rule over creation and my significance ebb away.
Until one day, the memory of this picture no longer had an impact on my heart and soul anymore.
I was both baffled and disappointed because I was enjoying this new found assurance of who I was.
The Ongoing Quest for a Fresh Revelation From God
Then a memory resurfaced of a phrase from my past. A mighty man of God once said, "We must be always seeking a FRESH Revelation from heaven," with the intent of receiving wisdom and guidance every day.
I realized I could no longer thrive on the old revelation of that picture, I must seek a new revelation.
The Lord chose to quicken a new revelation of who He was to my heart through an image of the planet earth, and it gave me a sense of purpose.
Now, I must seek a fresh revelation to sustain spiritual life and stay grounded in my Christian journey.
So, I turned to the Word of God.

The Word of God Offers Revelation
There is a beautiful truth found in God's Word about receiving wisdom and new life from heaven, and it is the thought of daily bread.
Just like our body needs nourishment to survive, our spiritual being needs nourishment as well.
In order to have a healthy spiritual life and receive fresh revelation, we must be spending time in the Word of God on a daily basis.
In John 6:35, Jesus says, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
Jesus is the Bread of Life, and He is also the Word of God made flesh. Read below:
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John 1:14 KJV

The Word Of God Renews Our Perspective
When we read the written Word of God, we are receiving Jesus' life into our spirit, and allowing there to be opportunity to receive revelation.
His spirit has the power to cleanse, renew, heal, mend, touch, quicken, and teach us how to love others, understand others, and forgive others, and provide a fresh revelation and perspective of whatever we are going through.
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
2 Timothy 3:16

How God's Word Works in Our Spirit
The Word of God is alive, and it has the power speak into any season of life or situation we find ourselves in.
The Lord can reveal to us how we should pray for a situation, how we should conduct ourselves in any given moment, and how we should handle a matter.
All of these instances are fresh revelations we receive through the renewing of our minds when we read the Word of God.
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

The Word of God Renews Our Spirit
When I give my time to feeding my spirit with spiritual food, it allows the Lord opportunity to provide my heart with a fresh revelation from heaven, and I experience renewal.
I've noticed that this fresh revelation from above will be exactly fashioned according to my needs, questions, concerns, or prayers at that given moment.
In this blog post, I merely mentioned one experience of receiving a fresh revelation from heaven, and that was through an image.
But, I've also received fresh revelations through Bible reading, devotions, prayer cards, songs, books, anywhere the Word of God has been shared.
Is Your Heart Ready to Receive a Fresh Revelation From God?
In order to receive a fresh revelation from heaven, our heart condition must be right.
If this is a new thought for you, consider our heart likened to a garden.
It is the same thought of planting a seed in soft, fertile ground, versus, hard rocky soil.
Our heart has to be tender and soft before the Lord. Only then, can He plant the seed of a new revelation and thought into our heart, and bring renewal.
Be Still and Know that I Am God
Make reading your Bible a daily habit to receive a fresh Word from heaven that will sustain your soul and feed your spirit.
Learn to be still, so you can know God.
The morning is good time to devote to this habit, because your heart and mind is clear of the day's tasks.
It also gives opportunity for the Lord to speak to you about your day before it begins.
I am up before the sun rises, every single morning, reading my Bible, and my husband joins me in this routine. We have found such joy in doing this simple practice. It has enriched our marriage.
Read Blog Post, "Coffee Brings Me Closer to Jesus."

Open Your Heart
As I read the chapters of whatever Bible book I am in, I spend time reflecting on the verses I've read with an open heart.
Even pulling up commentaries on my phone to bring more understanding to the passages.
Sometimes I experience verses that jump right off the page at me, and sometimes I don't.
When this happens, I ask the Lord to give me heavenly insight - and patience.
What is the Key to Receiving a Fresh Revelation From God?
Patience is the key to receiving a fresh revelation from God. The Lord wants to help us, He wants to bring renewal, but we must wait for His perfect timing.
This will become a divine appointment.
The Lord is trying to speak to us all the time. But, we have to be present minded in order to hear him speak.
And we have to give Him time, which takes patience.
Start a new thing. Remodel your morning routine. Get up before you have to get ready for your day, and begin reading your Bible.
Forming new habits can be hard, so be patient with yourself.
I've been getting up before dawn for years now, and I've read the entire Bible many times through, and have received a new revelation from each book every time.
I can attest to the absolute blessing of doing this daily practice!
It has brought joy to my days, and it can bring joy to yours as well.
Does the Lord Want to Give Us A Fresh Revelation?
Yes, God wants to give us fresh revelations. He is always trying to speak to us.
He wants to lead us into all truth.
Be patient. Don't grow discouraged. Press on. God loves you and is drawing you closer to Him.
Stay vigilant in reading your Bible, praying, and hoping in God for a fresh revelation of the situation you are going through. He will renew your spirit.
Pray for God's favor upon you.
Give Him opportunity to speak to your heart, and be aware of the many ways the Lord can quicken a fresh revelation to you.
He used an image of the planet earth to renew courage and strength in me, He most certainly can meet with you.
Then as you trust and grow in understanding, embrace the spiritual blessings that are bestowed upon every believer in Christ: the renewing of one's mind and spirit ❤
A Prayer for a Fresh Revelation From God
Father in Heaven,
Help those who turn to you in their times of trouble. Give them insight into your Holy Word, and breathe new life into their hearts through your Holy Spirit.
Bless the readers of this blog post with strength of character to read your Word, to wait upon You, and trust in You for a fresh revelation of what they are facing and going through.
Thank you for helping them find this website ministry. We pray that they will be blessed with encouragement and inspired to press into knowing You more.
Only through You, and a fresh revelation from above, can we rise above life's problems with grace and strength.
Speak into their life, Lord, and direct them in the way they should go and what they should do. Enlarge their understanding with a fresh revelation from heaven.
May their life bring You glory.
In Your Precious Name,
Many blessings to you ~
Love, Angie
The Founder of My Sun & Shade Ministries
For the encouragement of women, children,
marriages and families ❤️
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The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace, (Numbers 6:24-26).