Do You Need to Hear From God?
Have you ever been in a situation where you need to hear from God immediately?
It is usually when we are faced with an unexpected situation that is out of our control.
We either need to know how to behave, what to say, or what to do.
When faced with a crisis, hearing from God becomes of utmost importance.
In this blog post, I share a glimpse into my personal experience of hearing God speak.
I say a "glimpse," because the Lord has spoken to me many times over the past 45 years.
Too many times to write in a blog post.
In fact, I've written a book about my early Christian life, and how God spoke to me repeatedly, directing my way.
The book is due to be released spring/summer 2025. Subscribe for notifications.
In This Blog Post:
Ways God Will Speak to Your Heart
Is Your Heart Ready to Hear From God?
Our heart is the seat of our emotions and spirituality.
The condition of our heart is of great importance in God's eyes.
Our heart can be likened to a garden.
The soil of a garden must be soft in order for a seed to take root and germinate.
If the soil is rock hard, the seed cannot enter the soil, and therefore it cannot grow.
The garden of our heart must be soft in order to hear from God. So the condition of our heart's soil is very important.
Our heart becomes soft through the process of repentance. This is when one recognizes their sins and asks for forgiveness.
When our heart is soft, we can hear God speak to us through different means.
God Speaks Through Personal Experience.
God can use the mundane things in our life to speak profound things to us.
For instance, while I wash the dishes at the kitchen sink, God speaks to me about cleansing my spirit from the filth of the world.
When I sweep the floors, God speaks to my heart about sweeping away the nasty spiritual things in our home.
If there has been arguments and strife, I open the door, and sweep those things right out of the house, in the name of Jesus.
God spoke to my heart about our children before they were born. He gave me their names, even before we knew their gender.
God speaks many things to me through pictures, Bible verses, songs, and devotionals.
God can speak to you throughout your day, too, but you have to give him opportunity.
God Speaks Through Nature.
It is hard to walk in a park and not drink in the beauty of the natural world all around us.
One cannot deny the power and creativity of creation.
Everything in nature has a spiritual significance.
For instance, God's ways and purposes are exemplified even in the way we were created as male and female.
A female's body was designed to receive, nurture, and love.
A male's body was designed to initiate, protect, and to carry.
God is speaking through nature all the time.
God Speaks Through the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit guides and directs us in all the affairs of life.
We receive a deposit of the Holy Spirit at salvation.
The Lord has promised the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who are baptized.
When we receive more of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God will open up to us.
We will receive understanding and enlightenment.
God Speaks Through Scripture.
When we read and study the Word of God, the Holy Spirit can begin to speak to us from the written Word.
I find that reading my Bible first thing in the morning allows God the opportunity to speak to me about my day.
Often, the Holy Spirit will cause a verse to jump right off the page at me, giving me direction about a task I need to tackle later.
God Speaks Through Prayer.
A theme running through Scripture is a phrase called, "wait on God."
This is often referred to when a man or woman of God is waiting patiently for God to speak.
In the Old Testament, God spoke in an audible way, but in the New Testament, God is revealed to our heart.
God will speak to you today, if you take time to "wait" on Him.
Prayer is a gateway for us to communicate with God.
When we pray, we can receive answers, guidance, and deeper understanding of God and his ways.
Ways God Will Speak to Your Heart.
I have described 5 different ways that God can speak to your heart.
This isn't an in depth study, by all means, but merely a glimpse into what can be yours.
Are you heavy hearted today? Do you need to hear from God in a profound way?
Let's pray God will speak to your heart and bring peace.
A Prayer for God to Speak to Your Heart
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for helping us understand more about You and how You can speak to us through different means. Father, we pray for the person reading this blog post, and ask that You will touch their spirit with hope and bless them with faith to believe.
Father, soften their heart, draw them near to Your throne, allow them to feel Your presence, and give them a repentant heart.
We pray that You will begin to speak to their heart about their situation: bring answers, bring deliverance, give guidance, and offer direction.
Even comfort their heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Renew their hope in You, O God.
As they cast off every care to You, may they find rest and peace for their souls.
Thank you for hearing our prayer.
We ask all of this in the precious name of Jesus,
Many blessings to you ~
Love, Angie
The Founder of My Sun & Shade Ministries
For the encouragement of women, children,
marriages and families ❤️
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The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace, (Numbers 6:24-26).