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15 Ways to Let Your 
Faith Shine

The Foundations of Christian Faith

How to walk in faith

Discover Purpose and Renew Your Faith with My Sun & Shade Ministries

Hello, we have put together a list of 15 Ways to Let Your Faith Shine to inspire Christian women to build their faith and trust in God. In the process of practicing these 15 foundational practices women will find they have begun leading a purposeful meaningful life. With over 15 concepts you can begin using today, we provide a way to instill faith, hope, and love so you can be inspired by the Word of God.Let your heart engage with these 15 Ways to Let Your Faith Shine and practice:


  • walking in righteousness

  •  prioritize seeking God first

  • and making a positive impact in your world of influence


Our mission is to help you renew your purpose and live a joyful, abundant life through faith and trust in God.

Read Your Bible

1. The Importance of Reading Your Bible.

To grow spiritually strong and lead a meaningful Christian life, reading the Bible every day is a crucial first step. This intentional action builds a solid foundation for your spiritual journey. Discipline yourself to read a few chapters daily, and you will begin to notice a change within yourself. Here are some tips to help you along the way:

  • Open your heart to receive God's message.

  • Believe what you read in the Bible.

  • Ask for understanding and seek wisdom.

  • Apply Biblical truths to your life.

  • Make wise choices based on the teachings of the Bible.

The word of God is a living source of life that can enlighten your path and direct your steps. It can help you discern between your thoughts, motives, and spirit. As it says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."

As Psalm 119:105 states, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Therefore, ask God to help you make the wise choice of reading your Bible every day and choose to believe in His power.


2. Memorize Scripture and Treasure God's Word in Your Heart


The Bible is filled with verses that speak to us in different ways, inspiring us to commit them to memory. Take time to study and understand these verses so that you can be able to recall them. In Psalm 119:11, it is written, "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee." Therefore, hiding God's word in your heart is a sure way to strengthen your defense against sin.


To start your journey of memorizing Scripture, search for specific truths that you want to inscribe in your heart. Write them down on paper or notecards, and place them strategically around your house, desk, or workspace, so that you can encounter them throughout the day and reinforce your memory work.

Ask God to come alongside you and help you discipline your mind to retain and memorize His Holy Word. 



3. Study the Bible and Meditate on Scripture.


Here are some helpful hints to make your Bible study and meditation more impactful:

  • Allocate specific time slots for studying the Bible and reflect on meaningful verses. Don't read the Bible too quickly, it can cause you to miss out on valuable insights.

  • Don't be afraid to read and re-read sections of the Bible to ensure you don't miss any important details. This repetition can reinforce your faith and build a strong foundation of truth within you.

  • Memorize Scripture and attend church services on a regular basis. This can aid in spiritual growth and develop a strong foundation of truth within your spirit, blessing not only your life, but the lives of those you come in contact with.



4. Read Devotionals, Christian Blogs, or Christian Books.


Devotionals or Christian self-help books can be a great source of inspiration, anytime of day. Whether it's in the morning, during lunch or before bed, it's important to find time to read and renew your faith in the Lord.


Remember, the Lord rewards those who want to spend time with Him. Devote time to read your Bible, study, memorize Scripture, and pray, then you will gain His favor and spiritual blessings in this life.


While there may be days when your devotionals or study books seem like they are not building you up, don't be discouraged. When you commit to devote time to learn, the Lord will bless you with enthusiasm to keep going.


It's important to give priority to reading your Bible before other Christian reading material. It is also important to ask God for wisdom in choosing the right material to read or listen to.


Visit The READ-PRAY-SING Blog for inspirational blog posts and devotionals.




5. Become a Powerful Prayer Warrior.


Don't underestimate the power of prayer. As a Christian woman, it's crucial to make it a priority and not lose hope when your prayers seem to go unanswered. Remember, God hears your prayers and will answer them according to His will. The Bible states, "I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and He heard me out of His Holy Hill" (Psalm 3:4, KJV).


If your life is too busy for quiet meditation, it may be time to restructure your schedule. Find time to sit calmly and connect with the Lord. However, for days when you're busy, consider praying in the spirit. You don't need to utter words aloud to have a genuine conversation with God. Use quiet moments, such as during a car ride or while cooking dinner, to lift your thoughts and prayers up to the Lord.


Writing down your prayers is another excellent way to communicate with God. It can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience, which leaves you with many notebooks full of prayers.


Remember to never lose hope in prayer and always remain open to answers that may come in unexpected ways.



Visit Anointed Daily Prayers for women of faith.​



6. Develop a Heart of Love for Others.


Jesus Christ once said that the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, as well as love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30-31). Allow the love of God to flow through you and into every one of your relationships, demonstrating the love of God through your words and deeds. By forgiving others for their mistakes, you allow God to forgive you for yours. As you make a genuine effort to do these things, have faith that God will grant you the grace to forgive others. Through the power of the Lord, even love your enemies and do good to those who have wronged you.


If you're carrying the burden of unforgiveness, ask the Lord to give you the faith to believe in His power to help you, and to set you free from your worries.



7. Embrace a Purposeful Life and Find Happiness.


"Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say rejoice." (Philippians 4:4 KJV). It can be difficult to always be full of joy, particularly when things don't go as we'd planned. However, when we give thanks and rejoice before the Lord in all circumstances, we unlock a supernatural release of divine grace.


There is immense power in rejoicing! In difficult situations, try to rejoice instead of grumbling; this will strengthen your faith and bring happiness to your heart. By rejoicing, we declare that we trust in God, believe in Him, and that nothing can move us.


"In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18, KJV).


Ask God for a heart that rejoices rather than complains, and observe how your perspective on the world changes.


Don't forget to check out our related blog post, "My Thankful Project."



8. Find Peace and Joy through God's Love.


Training your mind to focus on God rather than the challenges life throws at you is a goal that is achievable. When self-discipline is achieved, you can be filled with peace instead of dread, worry, or grief. According to Isaiah 26:3, "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."

True peace comes from God, and nothing in this world can give us the same level of peace that comes from our Heavenly Father. This peace surpasses our human understanding and keeps us strong, instilling us with hope by calming our anxious and hurting hearts.


"Be still and know that I Am God." (Psalm 46:10)


Ask the Lord to bless you with the stillness of His spirit, and believe that He will give you renewed hope through answered prayers.


​Looking for inspiration? Read our collection of Prayers for Peace.



9. Develop the Fruits of the Spirit: Patience and Longsuffering.


One of the most challenging aspects of developing the fruits of the spirit is cultivating longsuffering. This virtue requires a great deal of time and patience, particularly when dealing with difficult people or situations. However, longsuffering and patience cannot be acquired by sheer willpower alone. They are divine gifts that are bestowed over time by God's grace.


If you seek to receive the Lord's favor, it's important to conduct yourself with integrity, refrain from speaking ill of others, and show honor to those who serve Him. Psalm 15 outlines other behaviors that the Lord finds pleasing in His people, and serves as a helpful guide to those seeking to develop these fruits of the spirit.

Remember, the Lord can strengthen and empower you with patience and endurance. Through faith and prayer, ask Him to help you develop the fruits of the spirit in your life. "May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy." (Colossians 1:11, KJV).



10. Kindness is a Virtue that Brings Favor and Blessings.


Being gentle, kind and putting others before yourself is a beautiful way to receive favor from the Lord. Even in the face of offensive behavior, we can disagree with someone and still show kindness. It takes great humility and courage to be kind to others when they are being difficult. Remember, showing courtesy is not a sign of weakness but rather an expression of God's love towards others.


Here are some Bible verses to reflect on the importance of kindness:

  • "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ Jesus has forgiven you." (Ephesians 4:22 KJV).

  • "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy." (Matthew 5:7 KJV).

  • "To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people." (Titus 3:2 NIV).

  • ​

The gift of gentleness is a reflection of an individual's faith. By expressing gentleness towards others instead of anger, criticism, or hatred, we can strengthen our faith and build a better relationship with others.


In conclusion, it takes a great woman to overlook an offensive matter, but if she does, she will cover a multitude of sin. Let's ask the Lord to give us grace and show kindness in the face of hostility. For further reading on this topic, check out the related blog post, "I Choose Mercy."



11. A Meek and Quiet Spirit is Valuable in God's Eyes.


Meekness is a virtue that, when cultivated in a woman's heart, brings a sense of inner peace and calmness. This quality embodies a quiet confidence, a deep trust and reliance on God, and a settled assurance that all will be well.


In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus invites us to come to Him and find rest from our weariness and burdens. He reassures us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord wholeheartedly and not lean on our own understanding. Rather, in all our ways, we should acknowledge Him, and He will direct our path.


As 1 Peter 3:3-5 suggests, a woman's true beauty should not come from outward adornments, but from the inner beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. This spirit is precious in the sight of God.

Begin each new day with a humble heart, acknowledging the Lord's presence and asking Him to help you develop a meek and quiet spirit that fully trusts Him.



12. The Beautiful God-Given Role of a Woman.

As a Christian woman, your first step towards understanding God's calling on your life is accepting who you are in Christ. Once you do that, you can begin to understand your purpose and calling. Women have been assigned specific roles by God, and they are expected to carry out their tasks with grace.


One of the most important roles Christian women have is that of a minister. Whether it is to your husband, family, children, aging parents, schools, co-workers, or church community, every woman should embrace her ministry calling as ordained by God. There are many ways to fulfill this role:

  • Find purpose in the mundane tasks of daily life, such as cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry

  • Find purpose in good works, such as giving hugs, remembering birthdays, and sending text messages

  • Find purpose in ministering to others with your unique talents and gifts, such as teaching, playing an instrument, leading youth groups, sewing, or singing


Ask God for grace and strength to walk in faith every day, believe in your God-given role as a Christian woman, and start ministering to others today.



13. Having a Faithful Spirit.


As Christians, it's our responsibility to be followers of Christ. We can reflect His character by staying committed to whatever we're tasked with, no matter how big or small. The Lord always watches and blesses us when we are faithful in our duties. Let us strive to be among those He finds faithfully doing good works for His glory.


It can be difficult to find faithful members in a church. I know this from personal experience, having attended the same church for 40 years. If you are a part of a congregation, I encourage you to attend all services and functions.


Hebrews 10:25 reminds us to "not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you we see the Day approaching."


Proverbs 28:20 states, "A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished." God's word promises that we will receive abundant blessings for being faithful in all we do. Let us apply this to all aspects of our lives!


Does your spirit bare witness to this? Ask God to reveal areas in your life where you lack faithfulness, and pray for a faithful spirit. Doing so will ensure that you receive blessings from heaven in this lifetime and in eternity.



14. Overcome Depression by Defeating Destructive Habits.


Self-control is a defining trait that sets individuals apart. Why do you think this is? These individuals believe that God is steering their life's course and nothing can shake their resolve. Such a person is firmly anchored to God through the unbreakable cords of faith.


2 Peter 1:5-7, "For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virture, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love.


To overcome harmful habits like doubt, read God's Scripture, and believe what it says with all your heart. Then put your complete trust in the Lord. The Lord will breathe upon your spirit with new life and give you grace to maintain discipline and self-control. As you believe, and confess with your mouth, that you believe that the Lord can help you, the Holy Spirit will empower you to be an overcomer and defeat destructive habits. 



15. Seek God First in EVERYTHING.


Matthew 6:33 - "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" - is a popular verse with two crucial takeaways. Firstly, we should seek God first, placing Him before all else, rather than turning to Google or other sources. When we prioritize God, He promises to bless us with abundance. Therefore, we must break the modern habit of searching for answers on our devices and instead seek God's thoughts on the matter.


God's Word can serve as a source of daily inspiration and guidance, as it points us to Jesus Christ, the one who knows all things. If you're seeking answers or a stronger faith, turn to God first. Hebrews 4:14-16 reassures us that Jesus understands our struggles and is always there to help us. By asking God for help and seeking Him first in every matter, we can break the cycle of anxiety and distress caused by overreliance on technology. Trust in God, and let Him be your guide.

Meditate on Scripture
Read christian blogs, devotionals, Bible study books
Become a prayer warrior
Love others
Live life with a purpose
Find peace and joy in Christ's love for you
Fruits of the Spirit how to develop
kindness is a virture
Having a meek and quiet spirit
The God-given role of woman in the Bible
Anchor 5
Overcome depresson
Seek God first

More Spiritual Support

Spiritual and personal development for women


Seek God First
and Find Joy

Find joy and direction in your spiritual journey by applying the Biblical principle of seeking God's kingdom first, and then, watch how "all these things" will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)


Develop and Practice Habits Consistent with
Christian Women

Develop a sense of what God is expecting from Christian women in today's world and maintain integrity, modesty, and good will towards your husband, families, and those under our ministry.


The Best Spiritual Habit
for Growing 

The best spiritual habit Christian women can begin practicing today is simple, clear, concise, and brings great peace and rest. Start now.

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