Creative Bible Lessons and Coloring Pages for Kids
The Lord's Prayer, Coloring Page Worksheet and Quiz
The Lord is My Shepherd, (Psalm 23) Coloring Page Worksheet and Quiz
The Beatitudes, Coloring Page Worksheet and Quiz
The Fruits of the Spirit, Coloring Page Worksheet and Quiz
The Law of Kindness Coloring Pages and Craft
Obey Your Parents in the Lord Printable Pages
ABC Bible Verse Coloring Pages and Books, and Potential Craft
Free Bible Resources for Members
Holiday Themed Bible Coloring Pages for Kids
Mother's Day Card Printable From the Kids to Mom
Patriotic Fourth of July, God Bless America Printable Pages
Fall Fun Harvest Bible Verses Craft, Worksheet, and Printables
Reach the Heart of Children
14 Ways to Connect With Your Kids - Bring the Family Together
Pray for the Safety of School Children​​​
Prayers for Elementary Children in School
Prayers for Moms​
Prayers for Moms with Small Children
Prayer Prompts for Single Moms
Prayer Prompts for the Heavy-hearted
Woodland Bible Verse Wall Art: Children's Bedroom, Nursery, Classroom Posters​
Woodland Animal Bible Verse Prints, Set of 4
Woodland Animal Bible Verse Prints, Individual
Hi there! I'm Angie, and I started this website ministry in 2019 with the aim of enriching the hearts of women with the love of Christ. I love sharing my faith by way of blog posts, prayers, songs, and Christian lifestyle tips, with the hope of inspiring women to become a better version of themselves. Would you like to be someone that inspires others? And blesses their families with love and kindness? Would you like to pray more for your loved ones? Would you like to be more forgiving? Rise above life's challenges with grace? Use your gifts to further God's kingdom? This website features a collection of motivational blog posts and articles that addresses various aspects of Christian living, such as the fundamentals of marriage, raising godly children, praying for adult children, and modeling The Virtuous Woman. ​Discover inspiring narratives centered on spiritual development and personal growth, such as the basics of love and forgiveness, along with practical guidance on becoming the best version of yourself through Christ who gives us strength. Visit About the Founder and read about my life and my interests. Explore My Sun & Shade Ministries and discover more about this ministry. ollow my faith journey and grow along with me! My 1st book is due to be released sometime in spring/summer 2025, and I'm pretty excited about it. ​Subscribe for updates!